Vanellope/King Candy

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It was another lonely day in Sugar Rush with Princess Vanellope in charge of Sugar Rush. Once King Candy aka "Turbo" was corrupted from the game system, nobody has heard of him since. Although it was nice to have peace and quiet, it got boring in Sugar Rush with everyone doing the same thing everyday. Vanellope always won with her glitch technique, the other racers would non-stop suck up to her which got annoying and out-played quickly. They stayed a clique anyways since Vanellope would often hang out with Ralph after the arcade closed. As for the candy servants, they were nothing but guards to protect the castle since Vanellope only used her castle to sleep. 

One month later.

"Arcade's closed everyone!" Candlehead shouts.

"Stay sweet everyone! That was a great game..And the winner of all the races today is..Princess Vanellope!" Taffyta shouts with an excited tone.

"YAY!" The other races cheer and they lift up Princess Vanellope to embrace her win.

"Yeah..Again..Yippee. Haha thanks guys. Can ya' put me down now?" Vanellope asks.

The other racers gently put her down.

"So what's the plan for the victory party? This is the 55th time in a row you've won!" Rancis asks and cheers.

"Oh ya know..It's not really important. I mean come on guys..Don't ya get tired of the same ol' thing everyday? Ya' know..The arcade opens, racers pick me and I glitch to the finish line, you guys cheer and want to celebrate with more sugary treats even though we are SURROUNDED by sugar! Maybe we can just..I don't know..Switch some things up?" Vanellope asks.

"But Princess--" Taffyta says before getting cut off by Vanellope.

"And another thing, I'm not Princess just because a bunch of coding says I am. I want to be a regular racer like you guys! Winning is thrilling but I want a challenge, I want the excitement, maybe even lose and learn a thing or two!" Vanellope lectures.

"But Vanellope, that's the point of this game. To win!" Candlehead rebuttals.

"Yeah yeah I know..But what's the point of winning when there's no competition? I mean, where's the fury you guys had when..You know.." Vanellope says softly.

"Know what?" Rancis asks.

"When King Candy was here..You guys were so competitive..Now it's almost like..You want me to win." Vanellope explains.

"Well, things were different back then. Now we WANT you to win! In fact, we want you to be the best around here!" Taffyta explains.

"Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you guys not ruining my car but you guys should win for yourselves." Vanellope lectures.

"Listen Vanellope..We look up to you and we could never go against you especially after the way we treated you. Besides, doesn't it feel good after all this time to finally be on top?" Taffyta asks.

"Well..I guess it's a good feeling to be on top all the time..I just..Well.. I don't know..I just know I'll be on top tomorrow, and the day after that and the next day.." Vanellope shrugs.

"Exactly! Lucky you! Hey it's almost time to eat! Care to join us? You haven't ate with us since your 23rd victory celebration!" Candlehead asks.

"Actually, I think I am going to hang with Ralph tonight, again..But have fun you guys!" Vanellope says with a crooked smile and walks off, with her hands inside her sweater pockets and head down, waiting for the train.

The train arrives quickly and she hops on it and sighs. She is dropped off at the main outlet of the arcade and heads to Tappers, where Ralph usually is after the arcade closes.

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