Start from the beginning

"No, I don't believe we've met I'm--"

"Shh!! Don't tell me! I'll figure it out!" you slurred with a drunken scoff as you sat back down, you picked up the glass and sat it up. You went to put yourself another but groaned at the realization that the bottle was empty.

"If that's what you wish, Detective Y/l/n. It's time for you to return to your apartment, I shall accompany you to make sure you arrive there safely." he said, the voice slowly became less recognizable in your mind..at least it was different from what you thought you knew. He pulled you up from the seat gently by your arm.

Your head fell back, and your vision blurred more as you could barely keep yourself alert.
The blurred figure quickly paid for the several drinks you had before throwing your arm over his shoulder. He got into an automated taxi with you and rode with you home. The ride was dead silent and you were burning up, pressing your head against the cool glass window for relief. You glanced at him as he sat on the far end of the seat, you couldn't tell if he was looking at you or not but you didn't feel his eyes. Once you both arrived at the apartment complex he helped you up the steps with no trouble, he reached into your jacket pocket for the key as your head was thrown back. Once he retrieved the key he unlocked the door, you leaned your head onto his shoulder and felt an oddly comfortable feeling from it before he pulled you away and sat you on your bed. You looked up at him, staring at the solid blue circle on his temple that glowed in the dimness of your room. He pushed softly on your shoulder to signal you to lay back on the mattress and you did. Once you were laid back your limbs were even more numb and you felt as if you wouldn't be able to get up again,  even if you wanted to. Your eyes followed him as he walked across your room to grab a small trash bin you kept in the space, he placed it by your bed and looked down on you in silence. You watched him as he left the room and finally the weight of your eyelids had grown too much, once he finally returned to the room he saw you passed out in the bed. He walked over to the bedside table and placed down the glass of water and bottle of pain killers he had gone to retrieve for you. He stared at you, only to scan you before he made his departure. 
You shifted around and your eyebrows furrowed as you opened your eyes, a bright light was peaking from the crack in yo pf his blurry ur curtains that only seemed to make the throbbing pain in your head worse. You immediately jolted up from your bed as you grabbed your mouth; you felt yourself gagging. You looked down at the trash by your bed and quickly leaned over to regurgitate into it. It was barely anything to vomit, you hadn't eaten much in days and it reeked of alcohol..so did you though. You wiped your mouth and tried to recollect the events of last night..who exactly was that stranger who helped you? Did you imagine that? Surely you couldn't have been that drunk nor delusional. You couldn't remember anything he said but you remembered bits and pieces of his blurry face, which was no help, but there was...the light near his temple...it wasn't possible,was it?  You heard your refrigerator door shut and you practically threw yourself from the bed, speeding into the kitchen. You sighed quickly at the sight of Gavin,
"Oh wow...sorry that you aren't happy to see someone making you breakfast." he sarcastically said once he caught a glance at you

You shook your head,
"It's not that...I just--forget about it. I think I was seeing things last night. Did you pick me up??"

"From the hospital? Yeah, you don't remember?" he quickly looked to you, a bit worried

"Uh...yeah from the hospital, everything was a blur after I took my medicine," you lied, not wanting to worry him, "Hey, would you happen to know if anything of mine was...recovered?"

"Uh, what? Like..during surgery?" he questioned

"Yeah...I think.....my watch was on my other hand and I was wondering if it was gone forever? I mean it could be with the evidence too!" you lied once more about the object in question, not wanting Gavin to give his input on whether or not you should get it back.

"Well, I believe Hank would have it? He took a few of the items, since he was on the case. "

"Okay, thanks." you hurried back into your room, grabbing the pills that sat next to your phone on the nightstand and gulped them down quickly along with the water. You looked at them, puzzled and still unsure about the stranger. You grabbed your phone and dialed Hank's number. You brought it to your ear as you walked back into the kitchen and listened as the line trilled. You sighed once you didn't receive an answer, you made sure to leave a voice message for him to call you back. You hung your head.

"Don't worry he's..most likely busy with work." Gavin spoke up

"Work? He's...back at work already?" you asked, a bit concerned about if that was okay for him to do..after..

"Hank..tries to keep himself..busy in situations like this, it's probably especially hard since he was trying to ease up on drinking when Connor-" Gavin quickly cut himself off and apologized for bringing him up. You shook your head quickly with a weak smile,

"After breakfast are you going to work?" you asked

"Well...I thought about staying here with you..thought you could use it." He shrugged, it was obvious he wasn't sure what he was doing but it was also apparent that he did care for you and wanted to be by your side through this.

You shook your head quickly,
"No way. You're definitely going because..I need a ride." you smiled slightly but that wasn't your only reason..you also didn't want to hold him back. 

He chuckled and plated breakfast before filling two cups with orange juice, 
"Alright then, you're gonna need to shower and change after breakfast then-you smell like alcohol." he stated and stared at you, "Do you want to ta-"

"No, no, it's okay. Thanks for the concern but...I'm not ready.." he could see you shrink in your place before you grabbed the drinks and sat them down. You sat in one of the chairs and watched Gavin bring the food over, setting a plate before you and then where he sat across from you. He nodded.

"Make sure..you don't let it become too much before you speak on it.." he muttered and you nodded before taking a bite.
.   .   .

RK800//Connor x Reader Where stories live. Discover now