Clover is my twin sister. Let me tell ya, the girl is a total whore. I mean I love her and all but damn come on like she's with a guy every night! Clover and I are total oppisites. I have black hair and she's has bleach blonde hair. I have muddy brown eyes and she has fake blue eyes. I'm talented in art and she's talented in bed. The list goes on so I won't even bother telling the rest.

"So when do these hairballs come?" I asked just then there was a knock on the door.

My mom rushed to open it and she greets the dudes. I couldn't see them because of my mom but after she moved my jaw dropped. My eyes were fixed on a super duper sexy face. He had blonde hair with dark green eyes. The guy was ripped and tall which made him hot in my book. He looked at me the same way. Our eyes were locked together until someone cleared their throat but something was bothering me. When I stared into his eyes, I saw something. I saw lust, love and anger but then I realized something.


Oh butter nutters.

He is my mate.

And the


"So Shadow, welcome to my home." Said my mom breaking the silence.

"I'm gonna go upstairs for a while so yeah." I said and jogged up to my room.

I slammed the door shut and leaned my back against the door. My eyes were wide in shock because of what just happened. Tears began slipping down my face.

I don't want him as a mate!

I don't want anyone as a mate!

Oh god!

This can't be happening!

You see, ever since I was a kid.....I never wanted a mate. I don't know why but I just didn't. I feel like I should decide who I want to be with not stupid destiny but now great! This is just awesome! I cried harder until something hit me inside.

Maybe it might be a good thing.

I mean he is my other half right?

He loves me already so why not give him a chance?

It's not fair to him so why not?

He seems nice and eveything.......I think I will.

I stopped crying and fell on my bed just then the door creaked open.

"Can I come in?" asked sexy voice.

"Why not." I said not looking at the person.

"Uh, so you're my mate huh." He said sitting down next to me.

"I guess so buddy." I said.

"Yeah, Leora I need to tell you something." He said pulling me towards him.

I looked at him and stared at his face. He looked at me with love and I looked down blushing like crazy. He already loves me! Aww, yeah I'm gonna give him a chance. I looked down at my hands and then something caught my eye. On his lap, their was a ring.

"I think you left your ring on your lap." I said glancing at him and then at the ring.

That ring is really weird, I feel like it has some kind of a power. Werid but whatever not my problem.

"Oh, sorry bout that." He said and quickly slipped it on his thumb.

"Yeaaaaaaah." I said looking at him.

I stared at him again and his eyes were different now. They held no emotion, no love, no lust, no anger......nothing.

"So what did you want to to tell me?" I asked.

You're My Soulmate? Honey, I Decide Who I Wanna Be WithWhere stories live. Discover now