[ 003 ] immortal teenage detective

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    Emma looked at the girl like how a mother regarded a stubborn child, and Kaelyn wondered if Henry had received that look before. They were currently in the Diner, Kaelyn enjoying her morning drink and breakfast, ignoring some of the wary looks she was receiving from usual customers who had witnessed the previous day. Emma stood above her, a hand resting on the table as she looked down at the brunette girl who was warming her hands on her drink.

    "I need your help," Emma repeated.

    As much as Kaelyn loved that Emma needed something from her, she was growing bored of the pestering. "No. It's my day off, I just want to drink my tea and go scare that guy who threw his drink on me," Kaelyn said, sipping her tea and arching an eyebrow at Emma.

    "A guy threw a drink on you?" was all that Emma could ask.

    She raised both eyebrows at the blonde woman. "Really?" she said. "That's what you got from that?"

    Emma blinked, before returning to why she had originally decided to bother the immortal girl yet another day in a row. Kaelyn had almost accepted the routine. Almost. "Okay, okay. Regina's missing," Emma told her, sliding into the seat opposite her. It wasn't a booth today, which put the two annoyingly close together.

    Kaelyn shrugged. "And?"

    "So are the beans," Emma said. Kaelyn was still uninterested, and took another sip of her tea and looked at Emma over the rim of the cup. "I think it's Tamara," she finally admitted.

    Kaelyn placed her drink down and leaned forward. "How do you think she did it?" she asked, in a saturated voice. Emma either didn't realise she was being mocked or didn't care as she continued, believing to have piqued Kaelyn's interest.

    "I don't know," the blonde said. "But it has to be her," she added as Kaelyn gave her a look.

    "Yeah, because if you're wrong, you'll look like a fucking idiot," Kaelyn scoffed, finding amusement in the situation. Emma stared her down until Kaelyn sighed. "Fine, okay, I hate her, too."

    Emma rolled her eyes. "You hate everyone."

    "Not a total lie," Kaelyn said, unbothered. Emma looked a little surprised that she hadn't taken offence, but didn't say anything. "So, what do you actually want?" Kaelyn asked, injecting a hint of irritation into her voice.

    Emma sighed out her nose. "Can you watch Henry while we take care of everything?"

    Kaelyn paused in bringing her tea to her lips. After a few seconds of deliberating that yes, Emma had come to the second – if not the first – most feared member in town to look after her son, Kaelyn leaned back in her seat. "Great," she said, passively. "So, now I'm the immortal teenage babysitter."

✓ IF THE MOON SMILED, peter pan / ouatWhere stories live. Discover now