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I sit outside he office, waiting to be called on. The secretary, Mrs Booker, comes out and practically screamed, "Mr. Martin will see you now Ms. Kingsley." I got up with my hood on my head, and walked into Mr. Martin's office.

"Have a seat." He bellowed, with his very deep voice. "I bet you wondered why I called you here."

"Not really." I replied

"Oh. So in fact you know what you did in the cafeteria, don't you?"

"Yes sir, but let me explain." I pleaded with him, hoping he would understand.

"I don't want to here your sorry excuses! You punched poor, helpless Brittany in the face! My daughter!" Did I also dial to mention that poor, helpless Brittany was the daughter of my school's principal?! He never knows how much of a bad person this girl can really be!! 'Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe he won't do anything too rash.'

"Detention for a week!!"

'And I was wrong.'

"A week?! You can't do that!"

"I can, and I have. I'm the principal. I make the rules. Now please, leave my office and go back to class."

After that, I stormed out of that office so fast, I got lightheaded. Like father, like daughter. They both disgust me. I can't wait to go home.

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