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Did I mention that I hate school? It's lunchtime, and I sit alone. Like always. And Brittany and her squad throws food at me from time to time. Like always. But then out of the corner of my eye, I see Trayvon walking this way. 'What the heck! Why is he coming over here?!' I start panicking and wishing I would just disappear! Then he sits down next to me. I look at my lunch and try not to look his direction. Well, I can't because I have this hoodie on but you get what I mean.

"Hey," he whispered in my ear. "I wanted to check on you from, you know, what happened between you and Brittany? Are you okay? She can be a bit of a female dog sometimes huh?

I giggled at him saying that because I know if I did, she would try to do something she would regret.

"I'm fine." I mutter back. "Why do you care if I'm okay?"

"I- I just-," he mumbled back but before he could finish Brittany walks up to us and grabs Trayvon's ear and pulls him away. "Ow Ow OW! Brittany! What the hell?!" "Stay right there." she snapped back at him. Then she marched right up to me. "Who do you think you are?! Talking with my boyfriend! You slut!"

"Umm.... just to clarify, I'm not anybody's boyfriend thanks!" Trayvon hell's from where he's standing.

Brittany looks back at him with and evil glare, then back to me.

Oh hell naw! I know she did not just call me that! "He is not your boyfriend! And for you information, he came to talk to me, not some Little Miss Jojo Siwa wanna be!" I yelled back. 'Whoo! That felt good!

She gasped very dramatically. Her face looked like she had just eaten our school's meatloaf. Full of disgust. "How dare you! This now is a fashion statement!" At this point everybody in the cafeteria was looking our way and probably hoping to see a fight. "And this hair, is a natural blonde!"

"I've seen more natural hair on a cabbage patch doll!"

"Oh well, you look very ugly today yourself!"

"Great! I was trying to look like you today!" Everybody in the cafeteria was oooing and cheering for me and hoping to fight her. "How dare you!" All of a sudden, she lifted her hand and brought it to my face and swiped across it, slapping me. I have never been so mad in my entire life. Then all hell broke loose.

I couldn't stop myself. Anger just kept building and building inside me until I couldn't hold it in anymore. I brought my hand to her face, balled it in a fist, and punched her right in face. And with that, she fell down to the floor. You'll be surprised what you can do when you are angry. Everyone rushed over to her to look at her and see the damage that was done.

Just then, Trayvon came over to me and gave me a big his. "That was awesome! You knocked that girl out with one punch!" He pulled me into a tight embrace. But just then my hood slid off my head completely, making my face visible for everyone to see. Uh oh. Trayvon then saw my face, hair, scars from those 5 years ago, my identity, revealed. He pull me out of the hug and I quickly pulled my hood up. "Go ahead, say it. I know I am beyond ugly." I shouted. "I was gonna say you are very, VERY pretty." All I could do was blush and smile so hard until my cheekbones hurt. Then the principal comes in and sees everything. He looks me straight in the eyes and says, "Come with me young lady."

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