Chapter One

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No one is going to take this opportunity away from me.


Finally the day has come for me to step up. From now on I was going to be the one in control. Show them that I mean business. This time I'm going to try and correct those mistakes I'd made all those years ago.

Now let's get in there.

Strolling into the garage, I grab my helmet and slam it down on my head.

"Let's go and make history."

My engineer grins. "It's time."

I climb in and strap myself down. 'Safety first' I think to myself. I'm not going to risk that for anything. I've seen too many video's in the past, horrible videos, all because they made one little mistake. I'm not going to do that. I know it.

The speakers call and I rev the engine. I take one last look around me and see the rest of my team. I'm going to make them proud. They deserve it for putting so much faith in me. Without them I'd be nothing. I give them the quick thumbs up then steer into position.

Not long now just a few moments. I glance up at the lights. Three- engine on. Two- hands on the wheel. One- foot down. Now go.

* * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * *

I guess you're probably wondering what the big deal is. It's just one race right?


Well, there's only one way to explain this properly; by going back to the day it all begun...

Two years ago

The phone rings and I'm quick to answer. "Jack? What's up?" I say worriedly.

"You've done it El! They're gonna give you a shot!"

I could hardly believe my ears. "What? Really?"

"Yes El. This is your big break." I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Wow, I just can't believe it. This is going to show them I'm not just another prissy princess."

He laughs down the phone "Well, somehow I could never imagine you as a princess."

"I know it's impossible! Well catch you later Jack."

"Yeah see you."

I hang up and start dancing around the room wildly. This was it my big shot. What I've been working hard for, for so long.

Suddenly the door opens and I freeze. I hope they didn't see my dancing. That would be so embarrassing considering the fact that I can't dance. I see my Mum's face poke around the door. Suddenly my face breaks into a wide grin. "You'll never guess who that was." I say waving my phone around the big grin still there.

"I don't know. Go on tell me." My mum looked at me, a glimmer of hope for me in her eyes. She knew how much this interview had meant to me. I couldn't hold it in any longer. "I've done it Mum. I've got the job."

She gave me a big hug. "I knew you would pull through I just knew it. Stay here I'm going to get your dad."

I watched her leave the room. This was probably the best day ever. I looked around my room; nothing is going to be the same. My eye caught the poster above the bedside table. It was him; my hero. I couldn't believe that I was going to be meeting him at last. It was something I had dreamed about doing since I was 13 years old and now I was going to be his teammate! It finally sunk in; I was going to be a first team driver for McLaren Mercedes and the Jenson Button was going to be my teammate.

Ever since I was small I had wanted to be a Formula 1 driver. No-one believed that I could make it (except my family and Jack of course.) They would just scoff at me and say "You're a girl Eleanor. Girls don't race in Formula 1." Then a year ago my best make Jack had set up a deal with the guys at Mclaren and after a season of being in training I'd finally got my chance to race. I was only reserve for now but still I'm on the team; 3rd choice! For the moment I am any way. Who knows? Maybe I'll be a first team driver one day.

The door swings open again. There they are; my parents looking so proud of me. I fling my arms around them both. "Thank you," I whisper "for everything."

My dad smiles at me "No you've done the hard work, not us."

"But still thanks for the support." I pull away and grin at them both.

My mum looks at my poster and smiles "You're going to meet him at last."

"I know. It's crazy."

"Come on we need to let everyone know the good news."

"Yeah we do."

I wasted no time in calling Josh and Daniel. They were quite new friends (I had only met them when I'd started training) but it felt like I'd known them forever. Daniel was the younger of the two at 18 whilst Josh was nearly twenty. If you ever met them you would surely have thought that they were brothers; they have the same red hair and cheeky dimples. When they heard my news they were thrilled for me, and Josh told me some good news too. He might be reserve for Ferrari next season. It was such great news for him. 

I called Alicia too. Alicia was one of my closest friends from school and so we told each other everything. I wonder how she'll react when I tell her this. I dial her number and she picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hey, El. How's it going?"

"Listen up Lissy. You're not gonna believe this..." I pour out my story and I hear a squeal at the other end of the line.

"WHAT? You're not having me on are you?"

"No! Would I lie about something as big as this?"

"Well, no. But I'm coming over to congratulate you. See you in five El." Then she hung up.

That's so typical of Lissy. She's never really been a big one for organizing things. Well that doesn't matter because I'm a driver for Mclaren!

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