Chapter 5: Dazed findings

Start from the beginning

"I know that look, you're imagining that huh?" As the low raspy voice cooed at me and then my chin was raised up by his slender phalange, he then brought me into a kiss.

Overwhelming was the best way to describe the feeling I had washing over me. Bliss, oh pure utter bliss! One of those who I held so much affection for was returning it in kind. His tongue pushing into my mouth as it intertwined with mine, I couldn't help but let out soft pants, losing air quickly, though I didn't want this to end. My eyelids began to fall and close, I let myself be taken as I breathed in the scent of different varieties of deceased monsters on his coat.

An object as sharp as a knife with multiple protruding thorn like edges carefully wedged itself into the back of my spine. It's movements were in spirals as it grinded down the ossein of my spinal column, I could feel something moist dribble down my vertebrae, lumping together as it stuck to me. This honed weapon pushed itself into my inner workings, scraping out the insides, clumps of some sort of interior matter.

But the hypnotizing emotion being evoked from me by just being in all their proximities, the lack of space between me and Nightmare had further drowned me in pleasure as I started losing the ability to properly think.

Nightmare's POV

I struggled to keep myself conscious as my tentacles swayed side to side in a desperate attempt to lift me up. That arrogant bastard was a lot more of a challenge than I thought, with some difficulty, I watched my surroundings, seeing the rest of my group slumped over, beaten into that same sorry state I was in. Dream along with Ink and Blueberry of course hadn't helped in the slightest, they were already at death's door.

Moving my head to turn as my eyes landed before the scene in front of me... Two figures, one kneeling and the other leaning down to meet the other in a kiss. That skeleton clad in black had brought a bone to his spine, carving a hole into it, he had reached the very innards of it. I watched as he scooped out yellow bone marrow resembling a disgusting puddle of egg yolk with shells adorning it surface.

What really caught my attention was Classics lovestruck expression, his eye lights were in the form of hearts. It was like he was daydreaming in a way, not realizing a single thing around him. I watch as his arms trembled like there was huge weights attached to it. Those two limbs hooked themselves around that crazed psychopaths neck, pulling their two bodies closer together. Classic closed his eyes as if savouring and relishing the moment and situation he was in.


Then, his hands started to claw at the others neck, creating marks that let that scarlet fluid seep out of the gashes created by his phalanges. I could see that other skeleton smile into the kiss as he looked directly at me, his look condescending and arrogant. I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me, nothing would satisfy until I had his skull in my hand as a trophy.

My tentacles darted towards him, but there wasn't a single ounce of panic from him, rather I felt splitting pain coming from my chest, I looked down to see a sharp bone erupting from my abdomen, the black goop on it, started to slide down as I winced.

Trying to glare at that annoying monster, I slowly see Blue start to rise, his right eye blaring with blue flames, I watched as he summoned a bone and at an alarming speed stabbed into that asshole. White splinters flew as he then dragged the bone down, splitting the others vertebral column, kicking him away, I saw the slight insanity glow in his eyes, before it disappeared just as fast as it appeared. He grabbed Classic and turned his head to the right, signalling someone.

Multiple portals opened up underneath the still injured monsters as I saw Dream extending his hand, looking as if he was about to pass out, before we all fell and the portals closed.

Bloodlust's view (Yes you get his view and probably the only time you will too)

Laughing as I saw them run away, I feel the wound in my back slowly start to mend, the regeneration gift was working quite fast. I jump onto the branch of a tree and sit down.

I bring a hand to my mouth as I still felt the lingering touch between me and Classic. Now that was exciting, it was a lot more than I had anticipated. I could tell he was hallucinating during that, but they way he looked at me made me want to kill him right then and there, snapping each rib off as I enjoyed his screams... or maybe he'd be panting and enjoying it as well? What a masochist...

I brought the severed arm up to my eye level, a twisted grin forming on face as I slowly bent a finger the wrong way, snapping it off.

"He loves me, He loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not."

He loves me...


If you didn't get what was going on, Sans was hallucinating and the person he was kissing, wasn't Nightmare, but Bloodlust.

Oh btw since a lot of people ship it, Classic X Bloodlust will be called Sanguine as their ship name!

Til next time readers!

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