Chapter 4- Empty Promises

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Bakugo's Pov

After All Might's death life in school changed drastically. Everywhere you could see people crying and wearing black clothes instead of the uniform. Everyone was mourning. Despite what I had thought, the funeral wasn't the most difficult part. How could it be? Saying goodbye is, in fact, hard, but living the rest of the days knowing that he isn't here and will never again be is even harder.

Isn't it funny how only one thing can make such an impact in everyone's life?

On one side, the most cheerful people lost their spark, on the other side, wicked people laughed with our suffering. What wouldn't we give to have All Might back even if just for one day. A day, an hour, a minute, a second. I know a boy who would give up everything for just one more second.

To make things worse, the final exams were on that week. Looking back I still can't believe that everyone passed. I guess it's also because of All Might. He promised he'd turn us into pro-heroes and no one would want to disappoint him, even if he's not here to look out for us.

Midoriya's Pov

"Good job today."

"Good job everyone."

After graduating, some students from my year opened an agency. We became pro-heroes and spend our days saving lives and protecting the city.

"Are you two going to stay much longer?" Kirishima, one of the leaders of the agency, developed a certain love for working until late but recently everything has been quiet.

"Just a bit longer."

Kaachan finally accepted to help me training. He's always saying that I work too much and that I push myself too much but if I don't then how am I supposed to become the new peace symbol? Besides, I know he's just the same. 

"Shall we go nerd?"

We entered a room designed for training, filled with many weapons and devices, most of them creations of Hatsume Mei. I'm glad we managed to reach this point. You see, Kaachan and I work together but I'm not his sidekick, nor is he mine. We're partners.

I attacked without warning, that's what happens in real battles, but just as expected he was ready for me. He blocked my kick with an arm and pushed me with the other. I jump, to keep him from attacking me right away.

"I see you're still good at close combat."

"Flattering won't get you anywhere. Let's make things more interesting and keep going." As he said that he unleashed small explosions on the palm of his hand, letting me know that he'd be using his quirk from now on.

He charged at me with a closed fist, ready to hit. On the last moment, his fist started letting out smoke, preceding an explosion. I went in Full Cowl, got down and swept my leg across the floor, making him fall. Immediately I jumped to were he fell but only managed to hit the floor. He was faster than me. As a way to compensate our overall abilities I tried a new trick.

"One For All 30%: Smash!"

Recently I unlocked the 30% and I really need to train my control. I caught him off guard. Instead of dodging he tried blocking. I hit him on the arm and sent him back one or two meters. Than I looked at my hand. That's not the effect I was expecting.

Kaachan took that opportunity to block my movements by pressing my chest to the floor and holding my arms behind my back.

"That was not 30%. If you say you're attacking with 30% then you should really do it." I was going to but I guess I held back because it was him.

People started entering the building, meaning it was already time for the night shift. We left.

Our house wasn't far from the agency so we always walk home together. I got closer and held his arm close to me. However, he kind of stepped away and got detached of me.

"Could you please stop doing that in public?" I know Kaachan is not completely fine with public demonstrations of affection but after a day of work I thought it was understandable that I would want to be closer to him. I tried to understand him, I swear I tried but the way he said it really hit a nerve.

"Ok, what's your problem?"

"My problem is that you work too much and do whatever you want but don't think about what I want."

"Then, what are you expecting? Should I act like I don't know you if I see you in the streets? Or am I supposed to let villains walk around and don't do anything?"

"You're not getting my point! You're obsessed with this! Training, fighting evil, getting stronger! You don't have to be the peace symbol! We don't need a God damn peace symbol!"


"No! I'm sick of this."

I watched him walk away, powerless and heartbroken.

Bakugo's Pov

I couldn't take it anymore. Maybe I didn't notice before but I had been collecting emotions, negative ones, and keeping them hidden inside of me. If you don't show it then there is not a problem. And I couldn't afford to have more problems. Eventually I reached my limit.

In a short amount of time that nerd became everything to me. A best friend, a lover, the only person I cared for. So how did things end up like this? How did I end up joining the League of Villains?


Author's Space

Hey everyone, I'm back. After around four months I finally made up my mind to write again. While I was in school I didn't have much time but now I'm on vacation so I'll try to finally end this story. I might be a bit rusty so you'll have to forgive me.

Funny thing, this chapter and the ones that will follow are actually the part that I first imagined when I had this idea.

One more thing: I'm thinking about doing a Bakugo x Kirishima short story, would you like that?

One more thing: I'm thinking about doing a Bakugo x Kirishima short story, would you like that?

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