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"Where are we?" Caitlin asked, looking around at that place which seemed a sort of paradisaical island.

"We're going to look for a friend who can help us, but he lives in a less ʼwelcomingʼ dimension than this one. We've come here just to get rid of the tracker that ʼthe thinkerʼ put inside you. I know he's a smart guy, but he found us too quickly."

"How are we going to locate it?."

"It is easy. Stay opposite that tree and open your arms and legs, I'm going to use around you a search engine that I carry in my watch."

"Are you going to frisk me? ... Are you a policeman now?"Caitlin said jokingly. Bart blushed.

"To tell the truth, in my identity as a civilian, yes I am. You're right, you don't have to stand against the tree, it's the habit. Just ... stay quiet."

"A policeman? ... I thought you'd be a forensic scientist."

"I have a forensic degree too and sometimes I help in some cases, but I usually patrol the streets." He said proudly.

      Caitlin turned to the tree and Bart, took out a sensor that was blinking from the watch, which he moved very delicately from her ankles up, around both legs, around her waist, her back, her arms, hands ... and he turned her towards him.... He used the sensor around her hair, her face, her lips, where both of them looked at each other holding their breath and she felt a mixture of desire and guilt ... where would her Barry be at that moment? ... When he reached the neck, the sensor changed its colour and began to beep.

"Bingo! "Bart said smiling.

"What now?. Do we make a cut on me and take it out? What else have you got in the watch? Maybe a pair of tweezers?" Bart smiled because of the doctor's curiosity.

"I have lots of things but I know a faster and more painless method. Look at me and don't move" he said, making his hand vibrate and pulling out a tracker that he broke and buried."We can leave now."

"How do you know that he didn't put another tracker inside you? You were also connected to the machine."Bart looked at her surprised ... did she remember the rescue, the dream, the kiss ... everything that happened in the Laboratory?

"It's possible; although I purposely let myself be captured, maybe they put one in all of us. Do you want to check it?", he said handing her the sensor.

"OK. Let's me see. Mr. Policeman, explain me how is that of frisking against the tree"she said jokingly, while she was using the sensor around his ankles and legs.

"Well, you have to support your knee against my thigh not to turn towards you and you have to make sure I have outstretched my arms not to take a gun out. Ooook, a little brusque, but it's not bad!." He said, falling on the trunk's tree.


"Don't worry. In real life, it couldn't be done delicately. You would be a good cop" He laughed, while Caitlin was going on using the sensor, until it changed its colour next to the shoulder.

"I found it!. " And Bart turned to her."I don't have vibration powers, so I'm going to need those tweezers." Bart pressed several buttons and took out a capsule that changed its size to a case with a scalpel, tweezers and a bandage appeared. He took off his jacket and rolled up his t-shirt's sleeve.

"Look at me and don't move. It's going to hurt a little."

"I trust you. Get it out!" Bart answered, staring at her. Caitlin made a small cut with the scalpel, while Bart was trying not to show any pain in front of her. In a few seconds she introduced the tweezers, took out the tracker and destroyed it with a stone. Bart took a breath and Caitlin tipped a bottle over cotton and disinfected the wound.