Chapter One || 제 1 장

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Chapter One: Who am I?
제 1 장: 나는 누구인가?

My feet were aching, my arms were shaking, my body was drenched with sweat. But I didn't stop. I fought. I fought for myself. I fought for my dignity and I fought for my life. I can't stop and I won't stop until this war is over.

My name is Park Mi Ju. Also known in this life as Slycer. You're wondering why? Because I am not an ordinary girl. I'm a very powerful one. My family is very smart and powerful, they are all in the Mafia. My mom is an ordinary accountant by day but in the shadows behind that fake mask. She's a hacker. The second skilled hacker in the world. The first one is in the Kim family. I heard his name was Kim Seok Jin. My mom tried her best to fight him but no avail.

My dad is one of the most skilled bosses in the world, biggest security company ever is owned by him, but one still tops. The Kim's security company of course. Their boss is Kim Nam Joon. One of the smartest people alive. I look up to him but my issue is that I'm from the Parks family. I'm their rival. They know my parents had a daughter and a son but they took away my brother when we were little. I always loved my brother and he was 3 years older than me he could've fought to get himself back but he didn't which is the only reason making me belive that my brother likes the Kims and that the Kims are good people.

See my brother is one of the best and strongest men my dad has trained. He was perfect in every way. My brother was trained to perfection when he was 9 and he got kidnapped when he was 15 meaning I was only 12. We were harshly abused to study and be fit and become the best and if we didn't we got into the torture room. And from the name we obviously got tortured in many ways. It was horrifying... No, crucifying. We get tortured till the last hit that will be the death of us. Then they leave us to heal with no medication.

When my brother was taken away they didn't have anyone to become the best in their family but me. And that's how my role as Slycer started. I wasn't only trained to fight with guns and knives. I was trained by a Samurai. Swords, samurai swords. They got the best one in the whole world to train me. It was never an easy or a normal thing for a fucking 12 year old. But I did it. I fought and got pushed to my last string, I even tried killing myself. But what stopped me was my thoughts about my brother, what if he's hurting? What if he needs me? What if I'm his only way to survive? He was waiting for me and I felt it.

I pushed through my cuts and pains and I made it.

Today I was on a mission to get to the Kim's base and see if my brother was there. My mom had successfully hacked through their base, which made me feel a little uneasy because they are the best in the whole world and my mom could just hack into their base like that? Fuck to the no. There had to be something more but I pushed that aside and did what my parents told me because I was only a doll to them that they could move and use. But I was their only hope which means one wrong move and their work could be destroyed. That of course put a huge toll on my shoulders but I pushed it aside like everything in my life.

I felt a buzz in my earpiece which made me wince and let out a battle scream as I kicked one of the Kim's men in the face, knocking him down.

"Eonnie, are you okay?" I muttered to my best friend who was in the hacking room at home telling me where to go. She was one of the best people in my life also helped me when I was down. She's the first thing on the list right after my brother. What list? The list of why I didn't kill myself up till now.

I heard her from the other side she was typing on the keyboard.

"Eonnie! Answer me!" I yelled out.

"I'm okay but someone is trying to hack into our system. And I can't see who the person is. I think our base is getting attacked, come back fast Ju we need yo---" the line cut off in the middle of her sentence and I couldn't hear what she said last but my adrenaline kicked in and I left the Kim's basement running off to our base.

I pushed past everything and I ran, I couldn't afford losing my best friends. And my family. My friends are family to me not my real family.

I took my grapple hook from my bag and climbed up our base reaching the roof. I ran down to the floor where my friends were and I got in my gun was held firm in my hands and I was ready to shoot.

My friends were all tied up in one corner of the room and my parents with my annoying step sister were tied up in the other corner of the room and in the middle stood three, handsome men. One had brown hair with glasses whom I already acknowledged him as their leader, the other had dirty blonde hair and a killer glare and the last one had black hair and a face that could kill, his body was bulky and strong too.

"Gun down, Slycer." the one with the smart looking glasses said. And I obliged throwing my gun on the floor. My mom gasped but I smirked. Its gonna be one hell of a day, huh...

"Nice to meet you. Kim Nam Joon."

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