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"How dare you address the Queen of Narnia?" Ginarrbrik spat at the kid "I didn't know!" Edmund shouted in defense. "You will know her better hereafter" Ginarrbrik continued to spat as he raised his knife above his head "Wait-" the dwarf stopped his action and looked towards his queen. Edmund sat up a bit more straighter and admitted to himself that she was a beautiful lady "What is your name, Son of Adam?" she asked looking down at the boy "Uh, Edmund" Edmund replied being able to fully stand up now that the dwarf was no longer on him "And how, Edmund, did you come to enter my dominion?" "I'm not sure. I was just following my sister" "Your sister? How many are you?" "Four. Lucy's the only one who'd been here before. She said she met some faun called Tumnus" Edmund spilled to the queen.

"Peter and Susan didn't believe her. I didn't either, only (Y/n) seem to believe her or at least somewhat-" "(Y/n)? You said there were only 4 of you?" "T-there is. (Y/n)'s more of a close friend to us, well mainly only close to my other siblings, she lives with us" "Why was it that she was the only one to believe your sister Lucy?" "I-I don't really know. She has this book that was given to her when she was little, she said it was full of fairy tails and legends and when it was given to her she was told to always believe in the impossible, to believe in the things that you can't see but are there" "This book. Did it happen to be a very thick royal blue book covered with delicate gold engravings around it and a lions head in the middle?" The Ice Queen asked intrigued "Yes, it did" Edmund replied.

The Queen didn't show emotion but she defiantly tensed up before relaxing as she remembered back to something that happened long ago as the realization come over her "Edmund, you look so cold. Will you come and sit with me?" Edmund was unsure at first but followed her to the sleigh and sat down beside as she wrapped the fur white coat around her and over his shoulders to warm into. "Now, how about something hot to drink?" she asked the freezing cold boy, that sounded nice to Edmund "Yes please, Your Majesty" The Queen flicked the cap off a tiny vile and poured a single drop on the snow where a beautiful glass was created and filled it's self with warm delicious hot chocolate. The dwarf picked up the cup and handed it to Edmund "Your drink, sire" Edmund accepted it with amazement "How did you do that?" he asked the Queen and began to feel warm as the drink went down his throat.

"I can make anything you like" "Can you make me taller?" Edmund joked and Queen chuckled in amusement "Anything you'd like to eat?" "Turkish Delight?" Edmund asked as those were his absolute favorite. The Queen did the same thing and with a single drop a beautiful tin appeared with the sweets inside. As the dwarf handed him the tin the Queen took the cup from Edmund, gave it to her servant who just threw it as burst into snow. The rude boy (if you want my option) who didn't say please or thank you lifted the lid and unwrapped the powdered sugar sweet and lifted one to his lips as he began eating them. The Queen watched him eat for a bit before speaking "Edmund? I would very much like to meet the rest of your family, even that other girl as well" "Why?" the boy with full of sweets in his mouth asked looking up at her.

"They're nothing special" "Oh, I'm sure they're not nearly as delightful as you are" The Queen said as she grabbed her servants hat and wiped all the powder off Edmund's mouth and then thew it back to the dwarf as she continued "But you see, Edmund, I  have no children of my own. And you are exactly the sort of boy who I could see, one day, becoming Prince of Narnia. Maybe even King" "Really?" Edmund asked as he really liked the sound of that he'd have all the power he want "Of course, you'd have to bring your family. As well as that girl with you" The Queen cut in "Oh. Do you mean Peter would be king too?" "No!, no, no. But a King needs servants" Edmund smiled with delight as he loved the idea even more now, knowing he'd get to boss his pathetic family around even including (y/n) who he could make do the horribleness things ever imagined.

Narnia: Peter Pevensie x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant