Chapter 2

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9:50 pm.

I lay in my bed staring up at the ceiling. Addiction. I never really understood that word. I only witnessed what it could do from my mother. Again and again and again. Glass after glass of alcohol. My fingers tingle. My breathing shallows. My lips pucker. My lungs ache. I crave more. I want more.

Walking light on my toes I make my way to my door opening with a slight creek I check the room. My mother sprawled out across the couch with a beer bottle is still attached to her hand. Her make up is smudged and her hair is a mess. I quietly grab a blanket and put over her. She doesn't budge and I make my way out the door. The streets lay empty and open welcoming a blanket of misty air that swipes at my hair. I make my way down the cobblestone path in direction of the small shop I know that just around the corner. My padded footsteps are interrupted by hushed whispers.

10:20 pm.

"I'm sorry, I swear I swear I didn't do it!" A strangled voice emits from a near by alleyway. Slowing down my pace I wish for my movement to be silent.
"Well let's think about this logically, we told no one else. Therefore no one else knows. Or no one else should've known. But oh dear, it's the word all over the streets" I husky, deep voice takes domination. "Now there's only one solution to this unfortunate event..." a mechanical shift echoes on the walls.
"No, no please-" I press my body against the corner but am in just the perfect position to see a mans silhouette slump forward. I bring my hand up to my mouth though no sound dares escape. My breathing shallows and I twist my foot back only for them to this back on the ground. Damn these heavy boots.  Another man emerges from the shadows but the dark gives away no features.
"Who's there?"
Not caring for the pounding anymore I fully turn away and start walking. I hear footsteps not so far behind me that quicken my heart rate. My legs match the pace. Shoving my hands in my pockets I try to shield myself from the cold night air. I know there's still someone behind me. I'd be dumb to lead them straight to my home. Taking a quick detour I stop early at an apartment compound a couple doors away from mine and make my way up to the roof. As I slam the exit doors I realize the footsteps had stopped long before I had even gotten to the building. Dear and questioning raises in my throat.

10:55 pm.

After maneuvering over the rooftops to my own home I slip through my bedroom window and into my bed. I had completely forgotten about that nagging feeling that had set me to go out to begin with but am now consumed with what I had finally realized. I just watched a man get shot. I just watched a man get shot and he died. Those are my last recurring thoughts as my body overwhelmed with fatigue. But as I hear the seconds trip by on the clock sleep doesn't come. Actually it did, but my eyes refused to close. Darting and every dark corner. Wind pushes against the windows as my heart fights to calm down. Finally the rhythm of droplets of rain settles my breathing.

12:00 am.

I'm asleep but my mind screams at me. Why is everything getting darker? Air threatens to burst through my lungs as they fight for a way out. Just as I'm about to welcome the pain, I realize a hand was clasped over my mouth and nose. My eyelids fly open along with my elbow going harshly back into someone's chest. Oxygen rushes down my throat as my pupils threaten my vision. Blurring in and out of focus. Finally, I am able to make out a hunched figure holding on their chest. I wasn't even able to scream as the person lunges towards me securing their strong hold around my neck. Before any damage was done, I rammed my fist into the side of their head and brought my knee up forcefully to their crotch. Just my luck that he was man, although it hurts just as much for women. He groans with a pained body figure. Holding into the wall for support I brace myself as I once again bring my foot up and kick with all my power. The impact sends him flying across my bed. My breathing had yet to return to normal but I use the few seconds of his grunting with hurt to dart towards my window.

12:10 am.

My legs burn and threaten to stop moving. But I push myself to keep going. Farther from my home into unfamiliar streets. After a while I think I might have lost him. Turning the corner, I hunch over forcefully heaving air into my lungs. As I catch my breath I hear footsteps. I scan my surrounding and pick up a wooden beam. Ready to knock out whoever comes my way. The sound of feet pounding gets louder and I see a figure turn the corner. I swing my arm and hear sickening crack. Please tell me that was the stick. But I felt weight at my feet as the man slumped over.

Oh my god.
I didn't kill him.
I can't have.

My mind is whirling as my heart stops. I become paralyses as it hit me. I just killed this man. I was so overwhelmed with what I had done that I didn't even pay attention to my surroundings. A slow clap jolts me out of my hazed thoughts.

"That. That was impressive."
My head flips around to see a man dressed in an expensive looking navy blue suit. His white shirt discretely showed off his strong figure. A pricey gold watch hangs from his wrist as he steps forward. Chuckling, he signals something to his men and next thing I know, a bag is being dragged over my head and intense pain shoots through my skull. I unwillingly welcome the darkness.

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