Chapter Two - Unbelievable

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Kenny's POV

I couldn't help myself, I just looked into his sad muddy brown eyes and I just couldn't resist.

I stood up and pulled him up with me. We looked into eachothers eyes, he into my blue and me into his chocolate. My pulse started to get faster and faster as I leaned in and connected lips with Tweek. He was shocked and didn't kiss back. I was suprised with myself. I could tell his eyes were wide open. I attempted to pull away but he decided to kiss back. I opened my eyes wide and breathed heavily. He pulled away and we stared at eachother.

"K-Kenny.." He stuttered. I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom. I wasn't mad or anything, I just needed to think. I can't have that fatass Cartman knowing because he'd say I'm a poor fag. The bell rung signalling school was over. I walked out and decided to walk home instead of take the bus. I saw Tweek and he looked at me but then quickly turned his head. I sighed and walked up to him.

"Tweek." I put my hand on his shoulder but he ignored me. "Tweek, come on, I only walked out because I needed to think straight."

He looked up at me, tears in his eyes, a cut on his forehead.

"Tweek! What happened." I questioned hugging him.


"What did he do this time?" I sounded fed up.

"He.. slammed me into a locker." He choked out. I gasped and hugged him tighter.

"Tomorrow he'll get what's coming to him..." I mumbled and kissed Tweek's forehead.


"Kenny, we passed your house five minutes ago," Tweek mentioned.

"I know, I'm staying with you tonight, my house is too crowded with ugly, fucked up freaks, except Karen." I tensed. He nodded and opened the door to his house. We walked in and he made coffee straight away.

"I need coffee to calm me down," he twitched. I laughed at this and he just looked at me. We went upstairs to his room and sat on the floor while playing X-Box.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"Their on a buisness trip or something," he replied. I nodded. My parents never go on buisness trip. In fact, the only trip they've ever been on was to the grocery store to buy pop tarts. 


Tweek's POV

It was fun with Kenny, we played video games, watched two movies, ran around my room and just talked.

"Goodnight CoffeeBean," Kenny kissed my forehead and walked to the sofa.

"Goodnight Orange." I whispered. I rolled over to turn off the lamp when I saw Kenny sleep on the floor. I sighed and turned it off.


"Kenny," I whispered. "Are you awake?" I whipsered again. "GAH!" I screamed when I heard something shuffle. I heard laughing and then recognised it was Kenny's.

"Dude, it was my coat," Kenny laughed. I sighed with relief. I guess he's awake.

"Kenny, do you want to sleep with me.. I mean, do you want to sleep on my bed... I mean do you wa-"

"Yes Tweek, I would love too." He chuckled cutting me off. I smiled to myself as Kenny climbed in my bed. I cuddled into his chest and he wrapped his arm around me.


Craig's POV

I decided to pay Tweek a little visit. I smirked to myself and walked up to his house. I looked up at his window, it was open. Bingo.

I climbed up the pipe and jumped onto the window sill. The street lamps were helping me see.


My mouth dropped when I saw Tweek and Kenny sleeping in the same bed! Kenny! I could feel my blood boiling and I was soon going to explode.

"Son of a bitch," I mumbled as I climbed into his room. I walked over to them and flipped off Kenny's sleeping body. I climbed out of his room and slid down the pipe.

Storming off, I couldn't get the image of Kenny and Tweek all cuddled up in Tweek's bed. I groaned and kicked the snow.


Tweek's POV

I woke up to the sight of Orange. I smiled as I looked up, I saw Kenny, his golden hair all messy as his hood had fallen off. I smiled wider as I felt his arm around me I pecked his lip and felt him smile.

"Good morning CoffeBean," he said sheepishly.

"Mornig Kenny."

We got dressed and I made myself a cup of coffee before we left my house and headed off to school.

We went our seperate ways, he walked to Kyle, Stan and Eric while I walked to Token, and Clyde. Craig was making out with BeBe and he was rubbing up her shirt. I rolled my eyes and gaged.

"Hey dude," Clyde and Token greeted me in unison.

"Hey Clyde, hey Token," I twitched. "What's your guys' next period?"

"Pft," Clyde snickered.

"What?" I said shaking.

"You said... You said period," he cracked up laughing. I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom.

I opened the door and heard groaning and heavy breathing coming from a stall. I looked inside the last one and saw Kenny and Craig throwing punches.

"Guys!" I yelled trying to split them apart, I tried pulling Craig off Kenny but Craig elbowed me causing me to fall head first onto the radiator. I groaned and clutched my head. I removed my right hand from the back of my head and it had blood on it. I began shaking rapidly and Kenny heard me whimper. He pushed Craig into the opened Toilet bowl and rushed over to me. He kneeled down and looked at me.

"Dude! You okay?" Concern was engraved on his forehead.

"No." I began to cry. I flopped my head down as I noticed Craig got out of the toilet bowl. He pushed Kenny down and kneeled to my level and lifted my chin up with his idex finger. I frowned and he smirked.

"Try not to be a pussy Tweekster." he winked then stood up straight. Kenny got up as well and stared him down. He pushed his way out of the male bathroom. I cried a bit them slowly stood up with help from Kenny.

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