Pictures of crying little boys?

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I sit in the same high school that I've sat in for two years now. With the same people I've gone to school with for ten years now, but could you believe I'm thinking of the same kid I have been thinking about for the last seven years. Yeah, that's right, I can't move on. He amazing. Ever since I was in third grade I've been inlove with Aaorn. Just like every other girl.

There's nothing special about me. I'm no model, spectacular athlete, a brainiac, or class clown. Im Just Lindsay. I guess you could say I'm kinda plain. But anyways, about Aaorn. He's perfect. He plays football, basketball, and baseball. Has electric blue eyes, and gorgeous blond hair. He has perfectly toned abs. Plus he still keeps his GPA up to a 4.0. Oh, and the best part is that he has the head cheerleader as a girlfriend.. just kidding. That's the worst thing about him.

So here I am, sitting her just staring at him like anyother day or class I have with him. Mr. Penel, or what we like to call Mr. Penis, screams out his daily orders. We all look around for partners. All the girls were too timid to go anywhere near Aaorn, so they run to their friends to discuss his greatness, along with a couple other guys. All the guys don't want to look like second best at everything so they partner up. All that leaves left, is Aaorn and I. I feel my palms start to sweat as he walks towards me. He sits his books down, oh god. He looks up at me and just says... "Hey". I worked myself so up for just a hey. Ugh, I'm stupid. I choke out a hey back, but he kinda gives me a weird look. He tells me that he'll write the paper if I just draw the picture and diagram. I happily agree. I can't spell or make much sense with words, but I can draw! I start into drawing a boy crying, like Kevin in the book I'm reading does for most of the book. I'm starting to get into it when I hear Aaorn gasp.. Ohh great, what did I do now..

When I look up at him he's staring at my paper. I try to ask him what, when he tells me that my drawing is amazing. I try to tell him that it's not very good, but he just keeps shaking his head. He smiles and says, " Lindsay that's really good". Oh. My. God. He knows my name. How does he know my name?! I just look at him. He then says, "How is it that we've always gone to school together, yet I had no idea that you could draw this good?" I shrug my shoulders, I can't talk to him when he's giving me all the attention. Somehow, I'd screw it up. The bell rings, and he throws his bookbag on his back, and walks out of the room. I just sit here, Dumbfounded.

I don't wanna fall in love, unless it's with you.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora