Second Regeneration

Start from the beginning

"Bed or Hammock?" he asks her, leaning on the door frame.

She grins at him before yawning once more. She leans tiredly on the wall and rubs her eyes.

"Looks like you need a rest, princess."

"Why did you call me that?" she asks, her sleepy eyes staring at the doctor.

"You told me too."

"No, no. The first time. Why did you call me princess the first time."

He thinks for a moment before answering, "Because you truly looked like one. A beautiful princess. Sleeping beauty."

She grins and slides down the wall, to sit down.

"You're not sleeping there, princess. Come on," He says, crossing his arms.

She laughs, cheekily at him and sticks out her bottom lip, "Make me!"

She squeals when he picks her up. Kicking her legs as he carries her, both laughing. The sorceress snuggles into the doctor closing her eyes. She listen to his two heart beats, smiling. He carefully lays her on the bed and runs a hand down her blue and pink hair. Then he gets up to leave.

"Doctor?" The sorceress mumbles quietly, catching his attention before he leaves, "Can you stay?"

She speaks with her eyes still closed, making the doctor laugh. He walks back over to her and climbs onto the bed next to her, "Always, princess. Go to sleep."

She smiles before drifting off into a deep, undisturbed sleep.

When the sorceress wakes up, the sunlight is streaming through her window. The TARDIS beeps it's good morning. The sorceress smiles calms and slips out of bed smoothly. She softly walks over to her window.

"Thanks, T. Still don't know how you managed to get a sun in here," she gives a small laugh as she fingers the curtain, before pulling it back firmly, tying it in place.

The sorceress walks over to her mirror and stares into it. She smiles when she sees her reflection. A pale girl, with ice, blue eyes stares back at her. Her hair is blue at the top and fades into a light pink, stopping at her waist. A plait trails down the side of her hair and she fingers it delicately. She changes into a copy of the exact same clothes she was wearing at walks out into the main room. There she sees the Doctor, reading a thick novel from her shelf. He wears a pair of glasses and doesn't notice her enter the room.

"Doctor?" she calls, startling him out of his reading.

"Hmmm?" he asks, looking up from his book.

He grabs a bookmark and was about to put it the book, but looks at it strangely. The sorceress giggles. He waves it in front of her.

"Why is it a playing card?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

"It's interesting. Each book has a different playing card attached to it. I like variety."

He nods at her and clears his throat, "You were going to ask me something."

"Oh yeah," she smiles at him and fingers the plait again, "Did you do this?"

He smiles sheepishly at her, "I got a bit bored. You know Timelords don't need sleep as much as others. I really wasn't tired."

She shrugged her shoulders, "I like it."

The sorceress holds out her hand expectantly. The Doctor grins before placing her flower crown in her outstretched hand. She ran a finger over the petals of the flowers and a sudden vision came into her mind.

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