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I hopped out of my bed as the alarm on my phone went off for the 3rd time. 'Shit' I mumbled. Im already late. No sense in rushing. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Ok Reign. Pull ya shit together and let's knock the day out.

I walked towards my shower and turned the water on. Mostly hot water. Turning on the music on my phone, I bluetoothed it to my speaker and let Summer Walker's voice fill the room.
"I just need some dick"...

I woke up on a small mat in the supply room of a restaurant. The owner used to be good friends with my dad before he passed away. The door room to the supply room opened.
"Hey Chris. Guest will arrive any minute ok? If you wanna eat, my wife, Lorraine made you breakfast. Its towels and soap in the bathroom." Mr. Washington said in a hushed voice. I nodded my head and got up. Folded the mat up and pushed it under this rack that was in there. I came out quickly and walked to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and washing my face and private area, I walked towards the dining area. I saw a plate with ham, cheese grits, eggs, bacon, biscuits with honey and some apple juice. I looked at Lorraine and she winked and smiled. 'Thank you' i mouthed. She shooed me away. She hates when i say thank you. I sat down and said a quick prayer. As i dug in, i began to think about how i got here. I had everything. I was in the military. I served this country for 10 years. Had a house, beautiful girl, cars, money. Came back home for retirement and they threw me away. Had PTSD but with the bullshit ass checks they gave us, i couldnt maintain. Lost my house, cars, my ex left as soon as the money dried up. Now im on the street.

Made me think about the girl from yesterday. Offering me somewhere to go when she dont know me. Dont she know people crazy out here? But on the flip side i dont have any options. Guess ill head back over that way. I said goodbye to Mr. Washington and his wife and began my 10 minute walk.

Once I reached the apartment buildings, I saw an older woman walking her dog. 'Excuse me ma'am? Do you know where Reign lives?" I asked. She eyed me up and down. "Why?"

Bitch, its a yes or no.
"Im a friend of hers. She wanted me to stop by."
"Mmhm. That woman is weird. Apartment 7 , Building A."
"Thank you." I headed towards
building A and found door 7. I sighed. Here goes nothing. I thought before I knocked on her door. I knocked and waited for her to answer. A few seconds later she opened the door with a towel wrapped around her body, dripping wet. Sweet baby jesus.

I got out the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I went and opened the door and saw the guy from yesterday standing there.
"If youre coming to kill me, can I atleast eat my Cinnamon Toast Crunch first?" I asked.
"I didnt come to kill you." He said with an eye roll.
"I came to ask you if that offer was still on the table from yesterday? I dont have money for rent to pay you but im sure i can find a job and help out around here."

"Nope. Offer off the table." I joked.
"Damn. Ok. Sorry for interrupting you." He turned around to walk away.
"Im kidding" i stated quickly.
He turned back around and walked towards me. I stepped aside and let him in.
"Excuse me , let me throw some clothes on." I walked to my room and threw on a white shirt with some ripped jeans. I put on my emoji house shoes. Walking back down the hallway I saw him looking at pictures of my family I had sitting on the table.
Clearing my throat, i caught his attention.
"Let me show you where the bathroom is and everything else."
He followed behind me.
"The bathroom is here." I pointed. Then I pointed towards the linen closet. "That's where youll find your towels and washcloths. C'mon."
I lead him further down the hallway to the room across from mine.

"Here is where youll be. If you have any questions or anything ill be in the kitchen ok?" I smiled.

"Thank you." He smiled back.

"Is that a smile I see? Whaaattt? He smiles." And just like that he stopped smiling.
I shook my head and walked towards the kitchen to get started on making him something to eat.

I walked towards the linen closet and got out a towel and washcloth. I saw a pack of toothbrushes lying next to the wash cloths  so i opened it and grabbed one out. I walked in the bathroom and turned on the shower. Mostly hot. I took off the worn out clothes i had and stepped in the shower. I closed my eyes and let the water fall all over me. Shit felt so good. I took the soap and washed my body. Scrubbed it actually watching the dirt and grime fall down the drain. I repeated this atleast 10 times. I got out and looked in the mirror. I was noticeable now. My tattoos were visible. I washed my hair and face. I brushed my teeth for atleast 15 mins alone. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked into my room. I saw basketball shorts and a plain white shirt . I put those on along with some lotion and walked down the hallway into the kitchen.

Reign had her back towards me, cooking on the stove.

"Hey, i appreciate it once again." I told her.

"Oh its no pro-" she stopped mid sentence as she turned around and looked at me. She had a plate of eggs in her had which hit the floor. "Lord help me not rape this man." I heard her mumble. I smirked and shook my head helping her clean up the mess. The one thats on the floor that is.

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