Chapter 7: Learning At A Young Age!

Start from the beginning

"With... being the daughter of a villain, can I be a hero one day?" Manami asks.

"You can be whatever you wish. If you want to be a hero, then be a hero." Yumiko says.

"Can you tell Deku I'm sorry?" Manami asks.

"Sorry for what?" Yumiko asks.

"I got jealous of the little girl and her daddy." Manami says, "Because... Deku's not my daddy. So I didn't want to play."

"Oh baby." Yumiko says, "He doesn't have to be your daddy for you to play with him. He's a hero, and even if you aren't his daughter, I bet he likes you."

"Really?" Manami asks.

"Yeah, he wanted to know if you wanted to come play at his Agency tomorrow." Yumiko says.

"I want to!" Manami says.

"Good, then why mommy is at work, you'll be a good girl and not cause any problems for him okay?" Yumiko asks.

"Yes, mommy!" Manami says.

"Good girl. Now, go play with your toys while I get started on dinner." Yumiko says.

"Yes, mommy!" Manami says and she climbs down and heads to play with her toys. Yumiko watches Manami head into the room and Yumiko gets up and grabs her phone and carries it into the kitchen. As soon as she sets it down, it rings and Yumiko looks at it to see that it was Deku's number. She sighs and she answers it.

"Hello?" Yumiko asks.

"Hey, what was wrong with Manami?" Izuku asks.

"She was a little jealous." Yumiko replies.

"Jealous?" Izuku asks.

"She saw another little girl playing in the water with her daddy and she got jealous because she didn't have a daddy." Yumiko says.

"Oh, yikes. I never thought about that, I'm sorry. I never thought that would be a memory she'd want to cherish with someone she sees as her father." Izuku says.

"She wants to say sorry for the way she acted towards you." Yumiko says.

"Oh, tell her it's alright." Izuku says.

"He says it's alright, Manami." Yumiko says.

"Okay, mommy!" Manami says.

"She said okay." Yumiko says.

"So, when will you need me to look after her during the day?" Izuku asks.

"Starting tomorrow if you don't mind." Yumiko says.

"Alright, just bring her by in the morning and we'll take care of her." Izuku says.

"Did you ask the guys if it was okay?" Yumiko asks.

"Well, the only one who had a problem with is it Ground Zero and well... you know how he is." Izuku replies.

"I recall him having a horrible potty mouth." Yumiko says.

"He was outvoted!" Red Riot's voice says over the phone.

"Shut up, shitty hair!" Ground Zero says.

"You know, I think he and my friend Asako would get along wonderful." Yumiko says.

"Why do you say that?" Izuku asks.

"Both are potty mouths." Yumiko says.

"Well, I guess so." Izuku says and Yumiko giggles.

"Thank you for looking after her while I'm working. Tell Ground Zero it's only until the preschool opens again next month." Yumiko says.

"I'll tell him." Izuku says, "See you tomorrow morning."

"Alright." Yumiko says.

"Have a good evening." Izuku says.

"Youtoo." Yumiko says and after a few moments, the two hang up. Yumiko takes a deepbreath. Manami was jealous that she didn't have a Daddy and she had to learn ather young age about what happened to Yumiko. Yumiko looks down sadly as shebegins to worry about Manami's quirk. It would be awakening soon and Yumikoworried that it would truly reveal if Incinerator was Manami's father or not. 

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