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Saturday came and danny was on his way to his cousins house. he parked outside and honked his horn. a few minutes passed and out came his cousin y/n. he e/c eyes shone with excitement as she ran towards the car with her bags of clothes and things she needed. she placed them in the back and sat in the front next to danny and. smiled.

"hey danny!" she sais, leaning over and hugging him.

"hi y/n!" Danny said back as he hugged her. "you got everything for this trip??" he asked.

"yes I do." she replied. he nodded and started the car, driving to the bus. the whole car ride they were catching up and got there fast.

the two stepped out and saw all the guys coming out of the studio, putting their things inside of the bus.

"guys come here please!" danny called.

the five came out and stood in a line across from the two. y/n gave them a smile and some of them smiled back.

"everyone this is my cousin y/n, y/n this is Jordan, George, Matty, Dylan and Jorel." he introduced with a smile.

"hi guys, it's nice to meet you all." y/n said with a wide smile.

"whatever." Jorel mumbled and walked into the bus with his stuff.

"ignore him, he just got into a break up and he hates girls right now." Danny laughed and rolled his eyes.

"you need help with your bags?" George asked.

"oh yeah, sure!" she replied.

the guys all helped with what they could and brought her onto the bus. she looked around and found it nice for a bus. she was definitely excited for this trip.

"lemme show you where you can sleep." Danny said, bringing the girl with him to the back where the bunks were, he opened the one in the middle. "this one is for you, mine is on the bottom and jorels is on top." he explained.

"Danny has bottom because he's the bitch." George chuckled. Danny rolled his eyes and giggled.

"shut up George." he said as he playfully punched the guy.

"ya know I'm just playing with you kid." George laughed as he ruffled Danny's hair.

y/n grinned when she noticed a small blush on Danny's face. as soon as George left she smirked. "you got a thing for him?"

"what- no!" he denied. he then blushed even more and smiled. "maybe."

she squealed. she knew her cousin was gay and this was exciting. "now I know this trip is gonna be great!" she said as she opened her bunk and climbed in with some struggle.

she began to place her sheets onto her bed because she liked hers better. when she was done she climbed out without checking if anyone was passing by and happened to be in front of Jorel, and he bumped into her.

"fucking check before you get out." he spat.

"sorry. but there's no need to be rude." she said crossing her arms.

"you don't tell me how to act." he said and shoved passed her and into the sitting room that was in the back of the bunks.

she furrowed her eyebrows and just went into the little kitchen where Danny was. "hey y/n, we're about to get moving so be ready." he smiled.

"yeah I'm ready. why is that guy.. I forgot his name. the mean one." she mumbled and tried to think.

"Jorel." Danny helped with a smile.

"yeah Jorel.. why's he such  a bitch?" she asked.

Danny laughed and sat forward. "I told you y/n, he got into a break up and he's mad that I invited you with us. because you're a girl and he thinks girls are dumb." Danny explained.

she nodded. "well he's dumber for hAting girls for that reason." she retorted.

"I'm with Jorel on this one." Jordan said as he sat across and crossed his arms. "this is supposed to be a guys trip." he pouted

"well you never know. y/n might be one of the boys." Danny said.

"I guess." Jordan mumbled in reply.

"hey guys we're leaving in 5." Matt said as he entered the bus with Dylan. "y/n these trips are awesome. you're gonna have the time of your life." Matt grinned. "anyways, where is Jorel?"

"the back." George said as he sat next to Danny.

"alright, we are offfff!" the driver said as he began the engine.

how do u end chapters lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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