Just Like Her Novels

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Warning! Nessian smut ahead! 

'A soft kiss is pressed into the side of my neck, causing a moan to escape past my lips-'

A feather-like kiss on my neck snaps me out of my book. I whip around to glare at my mate as his normal smirk sets into play. 

"Go away. I'm at a good part." I snap at him, turning back to the words on my page. Cassian doesn't give up that easily. 

'He nibbled on my earlobe, trailing kisses down my neck until he-'

Cassian's canines gently scrap my earlobe causing a small squeak to escape my lips. 

"Stop." I hiss, pushing his face away. 

He frowns at me. "I'm trying my best here sweetheart." 

I glare at him, once again going back the words on my page. "Good for you. Now leave."

'Brushing my hair to the side, he breaks my flesh with his teeth. Blood dribbles down my shoulder-'

Cassian scraps his canines gently over the exposed skin on my shoulder. 

I slam my book shut, standing up and throwing it down on the couch. I pace right up to my mate, glaring daggers at him. 

"What do you want?" I question, not backing down as he steps closer to me, towering over me, letting his wings puff out slightly.

He grins. "I'm trying to be one of the boys in your novels." 

I stare at him blankly. "By annoying me?"

"Haven't you noticed sweetheart?" He grins, kissing my bare shoulder then trailing up to my jaw. 

I clench my teeth together, trying not to give into his teasing. "Noticed what?" 

"Everything you've mumbled to yourself while you read, I've done to you." He pulls back, turning his head to the side, studying my face like it was the key to everything. "Say the word, and I'm your's."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

He grins. "Did you know you mumble while you read?" 

I glare at him. "You've mentioned it before." 

"He nibbled on my earlobe. A soft kiss is pressed into the side of my neck. Breaks my flesh with his teeth." Cassian mocks in a feminine voice, grinning at me like a cat. 

It clicks, and I stare at him. He's been doing everything I say... 

"So?" He pushes, wrapping his arms around me, gluing me to his chest. 

"Go away," I order, pushing on his chest. He holds firm. 

"Come on sweetheart," He purrs, leaning down close to my ear. "You can do better than that." 

I suck in a breath, biting my lip, as Cass brushes his nose along my neck. Need pools in my core, but I ignore it. 

"I'm trying to read." I push away again, and this time he lets go. I stride over to the couch, sitting down and pulling the book back to me, flipping it open to the page I'm on. 

He lets out a small noise that closely resembles a whimper, and strides to our bedroom. 

I let out a sigh, continuing with my novel. 

'Carefully he wrapped my wrists in his tie-'

Cassian strides out of our bedroom, stark naked. My mouth goes dry as I stare at him as he slowly approaches me, a smirk dancing on his lips. He takes a spot right across from me and pretends to flip through a book that was on the coffee table. 

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