Goku X Frieza (fan fic) Part 3.

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The next day, Frieza woke up and couldn't focus on anything. "Lord Frieza which planet should we target next" said one of Frieza's soldiers. "..." Frieza sat in silence while looking out of the window of his ship. "Um Lord Frieza" said one of the soldier's. "WHAT!?" Frieza angrily shouts. "Well I just...um..." said a soldier. Frieza blasts the soldier that is taking so very long to explain, " I don't have time for idiots asking me what I should do, I'll figure that out when I do" Frieza says as he kills the soldier. "Hmmm..." Frieza says as he sits in his chair. "That's it...I'll just go to earth and find Goku there" Frieza says. "Soldiers set a course for earth NOW!" Frieza says.

Meanwhile on earth, Goku is eating breakfast. "Wow thanks Chi Chi!, it's really good!" Goku says happily. "Don't thanks Chi Chi me Goku!" Chi Chi says angrily. "Uhh are you OK Chi Chi!" Goku says. "Goku! Are you really that stupid!" Chi Chi shouts. "Yesterday I said hello in the sweetest and most kind way possible, and you said oh hi Chi Chi, like I meant nothing to you!" Chi Chi says angrily. "Well I'm sorry about that but it seems like your making a big deal about it" Goku says. "Ugh how could you say that!, your the dumb one I'm the smart one so don't try to make it seem like your better then me!" Chi Chi says angrily. "Well sorry Chi Chi!" Goku says angrily. "..." Gohan sits in silence. "How dare yo-" Chi Chi says until she's interrupted by Goku. "Breakfast was good thank you, but I think I need to leave for a while" says Goku as he leaves the house.

Goku takes a small walk in an empty park, hoping to get some time away from everything. " ugh why is Chi Chi being so mean just because I said hello" Goku says to himself. "Maybe I just need to take a vacation or something" Goku says to himself. Before Goku could even sit on a bench, Frieza appears in front of him. "W-what!?...Frieza what are you doing here!?" Goku shouts. "Don't freak out Goku I'm simply here to see you again" Frieza says in a surprisingly happy tone. "W-what do you mean!?" Goku asked. "Well...I...need to tell you something..." Frieza said. "Tell me what?" Goku asked. "I...I...lo..." Frieza said but stopped in the middle of his words. "Goku I..." Frieza attempted to speak again, but the way Goku was looking down at him made it hard. "Uhh Frieza if your not here to fight then I'll just go..." Goku says. "WAIT!!!" Frieza shouts. "..." Goku stops and waits for Frieza to finish what he is saying. "Goku I...I...I love you Goku!" Frieza shouts. "What!?" Goku shouts.


It's a little short (again >:1) but I will make the next one longer :3

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