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Some believe strongly in religion and rules that will lead to a safe life while others say "live in the moment" or "you only live once" but I believe if you follow those rules then hesitation leads to  disastrous consequences.

But then again a safe life isn't always a great one.

It isn't always the one you want but you have to follow it.


Because a bunch of people richer than you said so.

Because we are all slaves to people born richer than us.

But wasn't slavery abolished?
So why aren't we abolishing this rule?

Why are we sitting around doing other people's dirty work and yet have to have a tax of the stuff we get paid off of.

But no, of course the rich people have to stay rich so let's just feed then in our blood sweat and tears.

How did this cycle happen you may ask?

This happen when we hesitated

And we didn't make the wrong, right again.

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