Chapter thirty-one: Servant

Start from the beginning

I walked away up to North's office. I knocked. No answer. I knocked again but didn't wait for the answer. I opened the door and walked in. North's office was a complete mess. Papers, books, mathematic instruments, chemistry stuff, food where lying that a dead rat?

-"North?", I called but no one responded. I walked around. His office was mainly composed from book shelves or paper rolls. I walked down where the big globe world was (North's office looks like his Christmas hall with the big glob in the middle). It was really big when you were near it. My eyes suddenly landed on a green button. I wandered what it was for and with a decided movement I pressed it.

First nothing happened but suddenly all the lights of his office turned on.Little yellow lights appeared on the globe some disappeared but appeared seconds after. I started contemplating it with interest when I noticed a very old brown book lying on the ground. I walked towards it and picked it up. The cover was damaged and decayed. In a single blow , dust flew off the cover disappearing in the air. An inscription appeared on the cover – "1994 Graduation class from the Moonlight academy"-

I opened the book and looked. Pictures of students appeared. Some of them where in group or alone.  Most of them were funny. The student's names were written under the pictures. I turned the pages and suddenly stopped at one of them.

The Picture showed 5 people: a beautiful white haired woman standing near a cute/handsome brown haired man. Snow queen and Alex. Next to them was another couple. The guy had silver hairs and looked a lot like Jack. The woman standing near him had golden hair and wonderful blue eyes, just like Jack. The fifth person was standing alone. He had blond hair, deep grey eyes and a spiky nose. Strangely he looked familiar. He looked like...Dad.

I looked under the picture and read: Angelique Snow Queen, Alex Akin, Nail Frost, Amanda Lay (human) and Henri Snow queen(keeper).

At this moment my heart froze. I reread the sentence again and again but still couldn't believe it.

- It can't be him it must be someone else, I thought to myself trying to reassure myself but as I looked closer I could see him again as if he was still alive. My eyes became blurry and tears started too rolled down my cheeks.

The sound of the door handle turning woke me up. I quickly wipe out the tears and stood up. North entered the study.

-"...rested on the way you would have to clean the bathroom after you exploded one of your famous bombes in it", said North while walking in.

-"But mister it wasn't just me", said someone behind.

-"We will discuss this tomorrow. I think you have class now. Good luck explaining to your teacher why you are late", answered North before closing the door. He sighed, tilted and looked surprised when he saw me.

-"Oh Elsa you're already here", said North with a surprised tone but I think he noticed my red eyes because suddenly his smile faded and a worried look showed up on his face, "Is something wrong Elsa?"

-"N-nothing North I'm fine", I said with an unsecure voice. His eyes landed on the book that was lying next to my blue vans. He sighted and suddenly I saw how old and exhausted he was but his smile came back and he strokes my hair with a gentle movement.

-"It's a lot to take in for 1 day", he started," I heard you had fight with Jack. I just talked about you to him and he seemed less concerned than normally and now this... It's alright you can let it out".

I started to cry like a 4 years old. North hugged me. He was like the grand-pa I never had. After I finished crying North handed me a napkin to wipe my face and he took the book in his hands.

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