Chapter 10: More Than What Meets The Eye

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It's Sunday morning and Taeyong is up and awake, busying around in the kitchen while the rest of the boys are fast asleep. He hasn't been surrounded by so much quietness in a while, and he appreciates it.

Plus, he is a man on a mission today. He had made up his mind, and nothing was going to stop him now. He's going to go have a proper talk with Ten and settle their issue once and for all, and maybe even play cupid and get Johnny and Ten back together again.

Also, he couldn't sleep anymore. 

Being next to Jaehyun was suffocating as it is, and even more so since he realized his own feelings. He was excited at first, Jaehyun was the only other person he has had feelings for, but as he drifted off into dream land insecurities started to creep up. Because even the layman can tell that Jaehyun is everyone's perfect dream. The prince charming 5year old conjure up in their minds with the hope of meeting them someday. He just made everything magical. Even just by breathing Jaehyun was the epitome of perfect.

They called him Prince JJ for a reason after all.

And Taeyong was in no way even an inch worthy of that much. 

He wasn't the only one with feelings for Jaehyun. There was a whole campus filled with students who'd be so much more worthy to stand next to him. 

Feeling Jaehyun's breath against the back of his neck, with the boys chest pressed behind him and his arms tucking him further into the blonde's body was scaring Taeyong. They weren't anything but roommates, and he would like to keep it that way.

Oh please, you love it so much.

No lies, he hates his inner voice so much, but he hates these feelings he had for Jaehyun even more. He's just going to ruin another friendship. Break up another couple; Jaehyun and the boy he loves. And with every second he spent in Jaehyun's embrace he was feeling more nauseous. He had to leave.

So, like any other sane person, Taeyong was baking at 4 am in the morning. On a Sunday. His excuse was that Ten loved cookies he made, but lets be real, it was just an excuse to be away.

Even visiting Ten was an excuse and Taeyong felt horrible again.

Leaving the rest of the cookies on the table. covered by some napkins, Taeyong took a major portion and stood blankly in front of his best friends' flat. He was contemplating if he should really go through with his plan, after all Ten was far from a morning person and they were not in the best of terms. But he ended up knocking the door and ringing the bell anyways.

Better be here than face Jaehyun.

He waited for a while, with each tick of the seconds hand he felt increasingly dumber to be even standing there, not to mention the time. But he stood there anyways.

He was about to press the bell a second time when he heard urgent shuffling from the other side of the door. He fixed his hair with the hand that wasn't holding the box of treats and adjusted his face to hold and apologetic smile.

The door swung open.

"H-who are you?"

Taeyong was perplexed as he found himself staring at a rather impressive upper body of an orange haired stranger, who was hastily putting on his shirt. He threw a hesitant smile towards Taeyong before running downstairs mumbling an almost unclear Just a friendly neighbor under his breath. 


This voice was familiar, even though it sounded drowsy and tired, and kind of husky as if he was been talking all night.

The Wrong Roommate •JAEYONG•Where stories live. Discover now