As Xavier continued telling his story of how he broke his leg at a strip club — don't ask — I realized it had been almost fifteen minutes since Angel went to get the drinks.

I stood, leaving the group of people I was with, and headed towards the kitchen. There were a few people playing beer pong, and I scanned the room, my eyes landing on Angel, his back to me. He was chatting with a guy I didn't recognize, and they were standing a little too close for my comfort.

Angel seemed to be comfortable, though, so I relaxed a bit. But that was before the guy he was talking to reached out and grabbed Angel's small but toned bicep, squeezing it. I tensed, my heart rate increasing rapidly.

I strode over to the two, placing a hand on the small of Angel's back, gaining his attention. I couldn't help but notice the tiny flinch, and my heart contracted.

"Oh, hey," he said, smiling up at me.

"Hi... I was looking for you... you were taking a while." Realization took over the happy gaze he'd been wearing.

"Oh, sorry, I just ran into an old friend. Drake this is my boyfriend, Sage. Sage, this is Drake... my, um... my ex boyfriend," Angel informed me, uncertainty lacing his voice as he introduced us. My stomach knotted up and Drake's face dropped, but nevertheless, he held a hand out to me. I stared at it for a second, considering not shaking it. That is, until Angel pinched me in the side. I peered down at him and he widened his eyes at me as way of saying, 'Don't be rude.'

I rolled my eyes and shook his hand briefly, spotting a tattoo on his hand. I turned our grip over to see it better, and Angel tensed beside me.

"Angel wings, huh?" I asked, quickly pulling my hand away and resting it back on Angel's waist. Drake laughed softly.

"You know how it is. You're eighteen, you're impulsive..." I blinked. It was awkward for a few moments before Angel cleared his throat.

"So, um, Sage," he began, and I hummed in response, not making eye contact with my boyfriend. I was too busy examining the guy in front of me, taking in his appearance.

He was tall. Not as tall as me — a few inches shorter — but he was taller than Angel. His hair was dark brown, almost a middle shade between Angel's and mine. His eyes were blue, like the sky, and his ears were pierced, one with a small stud, the other with a small hoop.

"Drake is here visiting his friends," Angel told me. I groaned internally.

It's like we're magnets for this shit, I thought bitterly.  

"Cool," I responded flatly. Angel winced below me, the awkward tension only thickening. Drake looked between the two of us, expression one of discomfort.

"Isn't it? And who would've thought I'd run into cute little Angel?" He eyed Angel's figure and I instinctively tugged him closer. "I mean, wow. I've really missed you." I tensed, biting the inside of my cheek so hard I nearly drew blood.

"Yeah, who would've thought you'd see him at his own school?" I cringed when Angel pinched my side again, glaring up at me. I shrugged.

"So, how long have you two been together?" Drake asked. I brightened at the question. I opened my mouth to answer, but of course, I was cut off by my phone ringing in my pocket.

I groaned, pulling it out to see that Carlos was calling me. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion — Carlos rarely called me.

"I'm going... somewhere else," I mumbled, snatching my arm from around Angel's waist.

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