Changing A Bandage & Making Plans

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"Oh, hey," I greeted Leo with a soft smile. Leo's brown eyes and dark brown hair stood leveled with my own, a kind smile on his face. "Carlos is here, but Terry is, too," I told him. He waved at Terry and Carlos behind me. Leo and Carlos worked together, so I only assumed that's why he was there.

"Actually, I'm here for you," he told me. I raised my eyebrows slightly, surprised.

"Me?" He nodded with a smile. "Okay... What's up?" I asked, moving out of the threshold so he could come in.

"Hey, Leo," Carlos spoke before he could answer me, pulling him in for a hug.

"Hey," he smiled. Leo met Terry's eyes and she smiled and stood, as well. "How are you, Terry?"

"Hi stranger, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Leo sighed.

"Yeah, where have you been?"

"School, and school, and then more school." Terry and Carlos chuckled and Leo huffed. "I hate it. I actually came here to talk to Angel, but we should go out to lunch or something soon," he added.

"For sure! When do you work next?" Their conversation went on for a few minutes while I waited on my bed patiently, my curiosity peaked.

"I'm sorry," Terry cut herself off, meeting my gaze. "You said you were here for Angel and we're just talking and talking." Leo's eyes widened slightly as he turned to me. I grinned at his apologetic doe eyes.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry! I completely forgot I came here to get you." I frowned a bit.

"Get me for what?"

"Sage needs his bandage to be changed; he sent me to ask if you'd mind."

"Can't you or Ben do it?" Carlos asked behind Leo, teasing. Honestly, I was a bit curious, too, as to why they couldn't change his bandage. Leo rolled his eyes and grinned.

"Hey, we offered, but he insisted on Angel." I resisted the urge to smile, yet I couldn't stop the way my cheeks burned when I noticed Carlos and Terry's devious grins.

"I'll come," I answered quickly, rushing into the bathroom and grabbing the first aid kit from the drawer. I stared at my red face in the mirror as I hurriedly ran my fingers through my hair, attempting to neaten it, all the while scolding myself. Knock it off! I shrugged on my coat and shoved my feet into Carlos' slides.

"Hey! Those are mine!"

"Are they?" I scrunched my face up at him as I shut the door before I followed Leo down the hall. We had just gotten to the doors when he stopped, facing me with curious eyes. I shifted the weight on my feet. "What?"

"Are you and Sage close?" I swallowed.

"Um," I began slowly, the inquiry taking me off guard. "I mean, we've only known each other for a few weeks, but I like hi—"I stopped myself. "I like hanging out with him." Leo smiled softly, nodding.

"Okay." He turned abruptly, stepping outside, letting in a rush of cold air.

When we got to their apartment, Leo unlocked the door and let me in first. I shook my jacket off as a boy with light brown hair and warm blue eyes — Ben — appeared at the door, taking my coat from me and hanging it on the coat rack.

"Thank you."

"No problem," he replied politely, he and Leo simply staring at me. I shuffled uncomfortably.

"So... Where's Sage?" I questioned awkwardly.

"Oh, yeah. I'll take you to him," Ben offered, leading me to the living room.

All my feelings of awkwardness turned to putty when I laid eyes on Sage. He was seated on the couch, focused on the TV in front of him. There were two empty plates on the coffee table in front of him, stacked on top of each other.

"Hi," I greeted, and when Sage turned to me, I waved softly, his mouth curling up into an apologetic smile.

"Did they give you a lot of problems? Leo specifically?" I grinned.

"Why me specifically?" Leo's eyebrows were raised, affronted.

"You were with him the longest and, well,
you're you." Leo gaped at him and Sage smiled playfully.

"Hey! I didn't give him any problems. I talked to Carlos and Terry for a minute, then told Angel that you needed him. Quick and easy."

Sage's eyes narrowed. "You told him I needed him?" I shifted my stance uncomfortably within the awkward tension that was quickly filling the room, Leo and Ben glancing at each other, seeming to have a silent conversation. I cleared my throat.

"Okay... I can fix your bandage now, if you want." Sage's eyes locked with mine and trailed down to the first aid kit that I was clutching against my chest. He nodded softly. Ben and Leo dismissed themselves and Sage sighed. I gazed at him a moment. "Want to talk about why you're all huffy?" I asked softly. His eyes fell shut as he exhaled deeply again.

"They're just so... intrusive." I smiled weakly.

"It's okay. My friends are the same way." He bit his lip and I scanned his face. "And hey, I like being needed," I added softly, forcing my eyes to stay on his. Something flickered in his gaze that I couldn't read, a slight red blush dusting his cheeks, and I smiled, looking down at his hand. "Alright. Let's see it." He blinked a few times before looking down at his hand.

"Oh, right." He unraveled the bandage carefully before pulling it off completely, showing me that his skin was healing well, scabbed over, the cuts fading.

"They look like they're getting better," I told him. "I'll clean them and put more ointment on, but you should leave the bandage off now to let your knuckles breathe. And be careful with them. No more hitting doors." He grinned and I smiled softly, tilting my head to the side.

"You sound like you do this a lot." I nodded as I lightly dabbed his knuckles with hydrogen peroxide.

"My mother's a doctor. She used to give me little tips here and there." I didn't mean to, but I winced at the mention of her. Sage's eyes scanned my face, opening his mouth to speak, but seemed to decide against asking. I sighed and finished up before I packed up the first aid kit. "Did you need anything else?" I asked him, rising to my feet. He shook his head and we walked to the front door.

Sage smiled softly.

"Are we still on for this Friday?" I tilted my head, confused. "Movie night here with your friends and my... idiots," he spoke, smiling wider. I blinked in realization as I remembered our plans and grinned at the thought of seeing him again, in just two days.

"Oh! Of course, yes, we're still on," I slid my shoes on. I smiled up at the tall boy in front of me, and he returned the gesture. I waved behind me at Sage as I started for the elevator, mind jumbled.

That was probably the strangest interaction I'd ever had with Sage, and I had a feeling Friday was going to be even stranger, considering Sage's friends and my friends were going to be there.

All in one setting.

At the same time.

In one place.


This should be interesting.

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