1 ☼ Come one come all

Start from the beginning

"Has anybody ever told you you're extremely annoying?" I sighed. "This party better be good Harry Potter."

"Annoying is a compliment milady. I have been called obnoxious, petulant and other things that are inappropriate to repeat to a girl." He paused, smiling. Nothing seemed to spoil his smile. "Is this a yes then?"

"Tell me when and where and let me go before I change my mind."

"You don't need to know that, I'm taking you."

"Have I already told you you're extremely annoying?"

"Something like that" He giggled. "I'm Ashton by the way." He said, holding out his hand to me.

"Nice to meet you Ashtonbytheway. I'm your worst nightmare kid."


"This is crazy! You could have told me this was a house party. Well played Harry Potter." I ruffled the curly mess Ashton had on his head.

We entered the huge manor and made our way into the hall. In the end Ashton had never left me alone. He had like kidnapped me for all the afternoon and had never quit talking. I learned that he worked in a video games store and that he had an insane obsession for bananas. He was not that bad after all, except for the banana thing, that was weird. We had the same musical taste and he also played drums.

After an xbox session while he was supposed to work, when we were both too tired to even get up from the floor, he told me basically everything about his life, things like how his parents where a pain in the ass and stressed him about everything. He wanted to leave his life in San Francisco. He wanted to play his drums all around the world. He wanted a fresh start, just like me.

"Who's this party of?"

"No idea. But I wanted to come."

"We're not supposed to be here?"

"Is it a problem?"

"No way. I have a natural inclination for doing what I shouldn't do in case you didn't notice. Actually, I intend to find the host and piss him off a bit."

"Whatever you want Sum 41, but first let me take you something to drink."

"I love the way you think Harry Potter, but don't you dare calling me that one more time or I'm tearing your face out." I said, faking an angel face. People giving me nicknames was something I couldn't stand, funny that I was the first giving people stupid nicks. Though I had to admit this was the best nickname someone had ever given me.

Ashton wasn't even a bit bothered by my harsh outcome. "Yeah sure. Be back in a minute, Sum 41." He said, drawing out the 's' with a grin on his face, before disappearing in the kitchen.

I sat on the couch and observed all the people drunkenly dancing and the couples making out in the corners. As I was observing this wonderful picture of American youth my eyes were caught by a boy with bright red hair dancing at some shitty music, he someway looked like a traffic light but he managed to be hot at the same time. He must have noticed as he started giving me quick glimpses, smirking every now and then. I stood up but in that exact moment Ashton came back with two blue cups.

"Here, and don't ask me what it is because I won't be able to give you an answer."

"Who's that?" I asked him, nodding towards the direction of the mysterious guy as I took a sip of my drink.

"He's not me, hence he sucks." He said, nudging my shoulder.

"What a sassy bitch you are. I'm finally starting to like you." I sat on the large marble stairs, Ashton following. I still hadn't told him about my plans and the fact I thought he could be a great travel mate. I wanted to take a road trip through California on my van, that was something I had always wanted to do and now I was finally chasing my dream. Now that I had nothing to lose, now that I was a grown up girl - or so I liked to think - now that I had someone that could share the joys of escaping.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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