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You and Tim are 19 and he is  Red Robin

School sucked. Especially private school. And what was even worse was... being a nerd in a private school. You hated private schools. Sure, the uniform was fine, as you could blend in to the crowd. The problem was... the people. Every single locker hallway was crowded.

It was stamped or be stampeded. You hated your life. Why did you have to choose the fandom life? Correct, the fandom life chose you. Wasn't that a meme or something? You hated having to pick a sport, the fact it was compulsory. Of course, you chose gymnastics. 

You didn't figure any boys would be in the gymnastics group. In fact, he was the only boy. In your year level, anyway. 

His name was Tim. Of course, you knew that. You guys lived together. Not like you were dating. As in... step-siblings. It wasn't that cool that you were a superhero, either. Well... kind of. You hated that nerdy side. But what was cooler was... your dad was Batman.

You didn't think it was weird that your 'brother' was your best friend. How was it weird? You knew heaps of people that were weirder. Like people with magical eyes and shit (you were now referring to the Harry Potter fandom). You hated being so smart, though. You were always in the extension group, and people made racist facts.

"Oh, why is Y/N in the extension group for everything?"

"She's Asian, didn't you know?" Sorry if you're not Asian, lmao, people never actually say this about me, either. Because I'm only in one extension group, the English one, lmao, it worked with the story.

"Oh, that must be why."  You always had Tim trying to restrain you from punching them in their perfect teeth. At lunch, you and Tim sat with each other. Alone. You used to sit with Dick and Jason, but they left school ages ago, so now it was just the two of you in the cafeteria. (I apologise if my maths is bad.) 

Whenever you cracked fandom-related jokes to people you thought were like you, they looked at you as if you were... Edward Scissorhands. Or something like that.

You slammed your pen down on the table along with your paper.

"Hey, chill. What's wrong?" Tim says, leaning over your shoulder, his raven hair tickling your neck.

"Everything, Tim! Everything! Why are my parents dead, why is Batman my dad, why is sports compulsory, why do I have to be so smart, why do I have to be Asian, FUCK THIS SHIT ALREADY!" You say, tears dripping down your eyes. You wipe your eyes frustratedly with the back of your hand. Tim hugs you tightly.

"Smart is a good thing, babe. They're all un-intellectuals," says Tim, pushing a loose strand of hair from your face to the side.

You groan. You hate it when he's always right.