Part 40(Peter's POV)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

         "Who—?" Kenzie trailed off, her eyebrows furrowing. She squeezed my knee and stood up, following Lucy back inside. I went in shortly afterwards and felt a volcano of anger bubble up inside of my stomach as I took in the sight in front of me.

          Mason Francisco James, the infamous father of my girlfriend, was standing in the living room. He grasped a suitcase in his hands and threatened to burn the room with the fire in his eyes. "McKenzie," he seethed, "who are these people?"

          In front of me, Kenz have a wide gesture to all of us. "'These people' are my family."

          "These people are strangers! I am your family!" he spat.

          "You are more of a stranger to this house than any of them," she shot back. "Also, I want to congratulate you. You've come around to this house a full two times now in a total of three years! I think you're setting a record."

          Her father's eyes narrowed dangerously. "I let you live in this house as a courtesy, and you do not get to choose who comes in and who doesn't. I do. Is that clear?"

           In my peripheral vision, off to my right, I saw Lucy move to seemingly attack Mr. James, but Charlie restrained her. I couldn't blame her— I was about ready to web his mouth shut and shoot him out of the window myself. I stepped closer to Kenzie, placing my hand on the small of her back. I told myself that it was so I could steady her and not the other way around, but that wasn't true.

           "Can I ask you a question, Mason?" Kenzie stared her father right in the eye, her eyes stalwart.

           "If you must—"

           "Good," she interrupted him. "My question is: why exactly should I listen to you?"

           Kenzie's father blanched slightly. "Am I misunderstanding you—?"

           "No. Not at all. Give me one valid reason— just one— to listen to you. Besides the fact that we share DNA, what have you ever done to earn my obedience?"

           The businessman was silent for a second. "I am your father, and that should be enough for you."

           "You may as well be a stranger off of the street for all I know. I don't take orders from people that don't care about me." With every word she spoke, Kenzie's voice got stronger.

           A false sympathy trickled into his eyes as he pined, "Of course I care about you."

          "No, you don't," I said softly.

          His gaze shifted slightly from Kenzie to me, an annoyance washing over his features. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

           "I'm Peter," I began, "Kenzie's boyfriend."

           "My daughter has no boyfriend."

           "She does, idiot. He's standing right in front of you." Lucy's voice rang through the house, turning the focus of Mr. James onto her. She smiled a sarcastically sweet smile. "And because you're so obviously daft, I'll introduce myself, too. I'm Lucy, your daughter's best friend basically since birth. Maybe even before then. She's told me all about you. I would say it's a pleasure to meet you, but I'd be lying."

           "I refuse to be pestered by a teenage diva," Mr. James hissed.

           "Then perhaps you'd rather be pestered by an adult diva?" Nat offered, fuming.

The Girl and the Superhero{Peter Parker}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ