Chapter Two

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Eve, Stiles and Scott stood in front of the school before class started. "okay, let's see these things." stiles said referring to the bites, scott and eve had received by the red eyed creature. stiles went to touch the bandage on scott's side only for him to flinch back.

"It was too dark to see much, but we're pretty sure it's a wolf." scott said picking up his backpack from the sidewalk as the trio began to walk towards the school.

"a wolf? no way" stiles asked in disbelief.

"uh-huh" scott and eve nodded.

"no, not a chance" stiles denied.

"we heard wolf howling," eve added.

"no, you didn't," stiles stiles exclaimed.

"what do you mean no you didn't how do you know what we heard?" scott asked.

"because california doesn't have wolves, okay? not like in 60 years." stiles replied.

"really?" scott asked.

"yes, really." stiles nodded, "there are no wolves in california." explained.

"well if you don't believe us about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe us about when we I tell you we found the body." scott said.

"you-are you kidding me?" Stiles asked excitement clear in his voice.

"no, man, I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month." scott responded.

"I hear ya Scott I am truly scared from seeing that," eve agreed.

"oh, god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that happened to this town since the-"stiles began to say but eve got dragged away by lydia who was walking towards the school at that time. "the birth of eve martin" stiles finished looking after eve as she walked in the school a huge smile plastered across her face.

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