Ayano carefully analyzed each and every one of them. Memorizing their faces, making note of any distinctive features. She then looked at the machines that they were tampering with, vaguely recognizing them to be some of her designs.

"You're doing it wrong." She said quietly, unable to make her voice any louder. The villains continued working, ignoring her.

"You do not have to listen to me. I mean, why would you? Those are just my designs you are using." The sarcasm dripped from her voice. "You may be villains but, as an inventor, I would still be concerned if one of my creations malfunctioned and killed the user."

The villains froze, looking at each other and trying to decide if she was speaking the truth. "Why would we listen to you? You're obviously not on our side. How do we know you're not just trying to trick us?"

Ayano laughed. "You are correct. I am not on your side. So, would I not just let you continue on your way? Think about it. If I want you all dead, why would I warn you that you are making the weapon wrong. It would be better for me to just let you continue and let you blow yourselves up."

The villains looked at each other again, beginning to build up a nervous sweat. "Y-You're just saying that! This is some sort of trick."

"You are free to believe what you want. You can use it right now if you wish, but don't say that I did not warn you." She provoked them.

The villain accepted her challenge, strapping on the weapon and aiming it. Unfortunately, her words held more weight than he thought. The man's hands were shaking, hesitating to fire. His forehead was greased with sweat. His friend looked at him, nearly pleading with his eyes.

The villain released a breath, his arm falling back to his side. He breathed heavily, trying to calm his sporadic heartbeat. "W-What...What's wrong with it...?" He finally asked.

Ayano smirked, thinking to herself. "Idiot."




The naive villains had followed every word of her advice, never coming even close to figuring out her true intentions. Of course, they had questioned her seemingly sudden change of heart, but Ayano had persuaded them.

She explained that they did not need her to make these weapons, just as Shigaraki had said. In other words, whether she helped or not did not matter. They would make these weapons regardless of her involvement.

They then asked her why she warned them about the 'malfunctioning' weapon the first time then if she felt like this. She tricked them into believing that was the only design they built with mistakes. She told them that her other designs were far easier to make, so they would surely be able to create them with or without her help. If that were the case, it would be better to prove to them that she could be useful so that she wouldn't be killed so soon. Make them think that she was valuable and still had some use.

Her confidence and silver tongue made them believe her nearly instantly.

It truly pained her to be working for the villains, but it would be a necessary sacrifice.

Phase one of her plan was complete.

However, she worked in secret. The villains in charge of making the weapons were ordered not to interact with her. Meaning, she was not to be involved in all this.

But that also meant that they were lesser villains. Lower in the chain of command and not entirely aware of their leader's plans. She used this to her advantage in order to persuade them into believing her words.

Shigaraki and other villains would come by from time to time for another torture session, thinking that Ayano was still refusing to design weapons for them.

The villains working in the warehouse never ratted her out, in fear of facing the wrath of Shigaraki for disobeying orders.




More days went by with Ayano getting tortured both physically and mentally. She still had no idea how much time had passed, always going in and out of consciousness.

Finally, one day appeared to be different.

Ayano was laying on the floor, as per usual. Her energy levels depleted after being beaten nearly to death once again. She heard a portal opening and she was whisked away to another location.

After she was transported, she felt her body and face pressing against smooth, hardwood floors. Her nose caught the faint scent of alcohol.

"Maybe this will change your mind?" She heard Shigaraki's voice.

She felt someone walk up behind her and grab a handful of her hair. Pulling back on the strands, they forced her head up, making her take in the view in front of her.

"No...No!!! Why is he here?!??"

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