Page three

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Soon they buried his brothers and sisters, gathered all their belongings and went on the first part of the longest journey in their life.

First they had to cross a desert, then a lake, then an ocean.
[Plot hole]
The port was tiny. A few boats made of wood or rubber were docked on the beach and his mother clenched his hand tightly.
Mo and his mother went onto the boat that would take them to a new and better future.
Together with over 300 souls on a boat that was meant for 100, with barely any food or water.
After 7 days of this agony, they saw a white ship coming their way. The crew was wearing white full-body suits, with face-masks and goggles. They checked every single person before allowing the rest of them to come aboard.

2 Weeks later, they arrived in a port on the island of Malta. Here, they spent another 5 weeks before receiving permission to cross Europe to reach Germany.

Finally. After all their pain and suffering, they were greeted in their new home. With people who spoke the languages and shared their religion.

Still...they were not happy. They had lost their home and this new home was full of so much hate, they sometimes regret even going here.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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