That he likes Jaehyun...He likes Jaehyun. He likes...Jae...hyun...a lot.

The realisation hit him like a truck, and he almost staggered and fell to the floor because of how dizzy it made him. And he would've fallen to the floor if Jaehyun's hands hadn't steadied him in time. 

The boy pulled Taeyong flush against his body, effectively knocking the air out of his body. His heart beat was so erratic, Taeyong was sure he'd break the ECG machine if he had been hooked to one right now.

Thank God he isn't. Maybe the universe isn't that against him yet.

He could actually picture Ten giving him a standing ovation, obviously a sarcastic one, at his epiphany. He'd then pull along an embarrassed Johnny to interrogate a clueless Jaehyun, and judge his capacity to look after their pseudo son, because, Ten had declared himself and Johnny's substitute parents for anytime he was away from his actual parents, and he took his job very seriously. It was hilarious, and ridiculous at the time, and Johnny had just went along with the deal because he knew refusing Ten would land him in trouble (read: no sex forever) but now, he misses it. And then it hits him that his pseudo-parents just got divorced and that the cute and heartwarming scenario he conjured up would never take place, he snapped.

He couldn't take it anymore, the two opposite feelings were overwhelming and he started to cry out of pure frustration.

"Hey! Don't cry, I didn't make feel pressured, or bad! Tae-"

"'s not that...I just miss them so much Jaehyun!!" Taeyong found his face against the crook of Jaehyun's neck and the younger stilled for a beat before rubbing his back gently, telling him that he was there for him. "It's my fault right? They broke up because of me right? I'm so bad Jaehyun-ah!!" I'm so sorry that an idiot like me fell for you.

"No...No it's not your fault ok?" Jaehyun pulled way, and looked right into his eyes. "Them breaking up is their decision, it that nothing to do with you. Problems arise  in every relationship hyung, they people in it can either give up or can hold on and fight through it."

"But Johnny and Ten were a strong couple...they loved each other. It's because I ran my mouth-"

"Listen to me carefully hyung. What happened isn't your fault ok? They are both old enough to take their own decisions. Besides, you don't even really know why they broke up either. Tomorrow, when you are feeling better, and Johnny is too, you guys should sit down and talk. For now, can we just go to bed?"

"We didn't have dinner though." Taeyong pointed out, his voice all husky and weird because he had been crying.


Taeyong chuckled through his tears as Jaehyun ran out in a hurry, shouting for Johnny, and reminding the other two, that in their hurry to avoid confrontation they had forgotten dinner.

He stood at the door and chuckled even more when he heard Mark quip back at Jaehyun who only took bait and another argument ensued, which thankfully came to a stop when Johnny walked in with a pan in his right hand, and left hand on his waist, looking as threatening as a hamster in Taeyong's opinion,  especially with that yellow apron on him, which he didn't know they owned. But obviously he was the only on who thought so, since the two idiots shut up and settled for just glaring at each other. 

The boy then turned to Taeyong and threw him a wink before resuming his process of making dinner, ignoring the grumbling pair of kids.

Taeyong felt a tiny bit better.

And then Jaehyun looked at him and smiled, and Taeyong smiled back. Both opting to ignore the gagging sound from Mark. 

Taeyong definitely felt a lot better,

The Wrong Roommate •JAEYONG•Where stories live. Discover now