Midnight Terrors

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*Röbby’s P.O.V.*

Where am I? Why is it so dark? Am I crying?

An odd-sounding laugh made it’s way closer to me as the person who it came from walked closer. My eyes widened but I couldn’t see anything… was I blindfolded? I tried to get up but my arms were tied to something. Bedposts…

I felt the mattress sink on either side of me, the warmth telling me that it was another person. I tried to tell the person to stop whatever they were doing but the sound was muffled; I was gagged too. A dark chuckle came from above me.

“Oh Röbby, you poor thing.” the voice sighed. I froze as I felt something cool and sharp run gently across my cheek. “You just couldn’t stay away, could you? It’s a shame really…”

I struggled again but it was useless. I was tied down well and there was no getting away. I could feel the tears in my eyes that had nowhere to go, and my shoulders shook as I tried not to show emotion but couldn’t keep back the small whimper that found it’s way out of me.

The person on top of me shushed me quietly as they brushed the hair from my face. “It’s ok.” they said, their voice sickeningly sweet. “Don’t cry. I love you, remember? I love you Röbby.”

The tone in their voice took a frightening edge, and I realized then that I had been shaking. I was scared out of my mind.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my arm causing me to cry out, the sound being muffled by whatever was across my mouth. I wasn’t sure exactly what happened until I felt something warm drip down my arm.

“Oh, my poor love. Did that hurt?” they whispered, pushing whatever sharp object they had into my skin again making me groan loudly.

Why were they doing this to me? What did I do wrong?

Almost as if answering me, they spoke up again, but they continued to slice open my skin slowly. “You couldn’t stay away… you couldn’t stay away! I thought you had made it… I thought you had saved yourself but… you came back. If only you hadn’t come back to me Röbby!”

By this point I knew that if I wasn’t blindfolded, there would be tears streaming down my face both from pain and fear. The person was beginning to sound hysteric almost and it scared me. Was this person insane?

“You shouldn’t have come back to me…” they said in a shaky, evil whisper by my ear. I felt fingers trail gently down my face as the cold, sharp object was removed from my body, and the voice then became soft, and adoring.

“You’re so beautiful… I just couldn’t help myself from falling in love with you.” They moved their fingers to whatever was covering my eyes and mouth, and they quickly ripped them off like a band-aid. I tried to suppress a yelp but failed. They leaned down, his wide brown eyes staring into my own green ones that I knew were full of fear and confusion.

This couldn’t be…

“You’ve always had such beautiful eyes.” he sighed. My body began to shake even more if that was possible. This didn’t make any sense!

Why would he hurt me?!


“Shhh!” he suddenly whispered looking angry, but almost immediately seemed to calm down again. “Don’t speak darling, it’ll only make things harder.”

“Wh-” I tried to ask him what he was doing, or why, or anything at all, but I quickly stopped as he pressed a knife to my neck. When he knew I wouldn’t speak, he slowly at up straight again as he pulled back his hand from me. I let out a breath, realizing that I had been holding it the whole time.

He cocked his head at me and looked at me for a good ten seconds before leaning down and kissing my lips gently. He lingered for a moment, looking into my eyes as his lips barely touched mine. He pulled back and sighed deeply.

“I will miss you… you should have stayed away, Röbby.”

I couldn’t look away from him. He didn’t look sane…

I froze as he took the knife in both of his hands and raised it above his head. I tried to cry out for help but not a single sound escaped my lips. “ NO!!” I tried to scream, but it was no use. A single tear fell from his eye but his face showed no emotion, although his eyes betrayed him with a hint of sorrow behind them.

This was it.

I was going to die.

He took one last good look at me, and he plunged the knife into my chest. My eyes widened and I stared at him in utter confusion before everything went black.

Magnificent Nightmare ~ Chad Kowal x Robby Creasey (Chabby)Where stories live. Discover now