prologue + cast

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« To some my life might seem perfect at every level: I go to one of the best universities of the country, my family has a lot of money, I'm popular and I date the hottest boy in town. But  that doesn't mean that I'm happy. 

Every single day of my life is the same. The same faces. The same shallow conversations. The same stupid dramas. I wish I could just leave but I can't do that. Not to my family. I always have to be the perfect girl, with the perfect grades and the perfect friends. Little do they know about me. »


Benedetta Porcaroli as Eileen Montgomery

 Hero Fiennes-Tiffin as Frederick Parker

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 Hero Fiennes-Tiffin as Frederick Parker

 Hero Fiennes-Tiffin as Frederick Parker

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Michale Provost as Sam Thompson

Michale Provost as Sam Thompson

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