Let's Talk

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Hey guys I'm back and I'm here to talk.

Over the past few months, the family has been talking less to the point where mum isn't here.  And I want the rest of the family to let me know you're here still so I can tell you something about all of you. How I feel about my entire fam since for once I'm one of the only two boys in this family.

I want to say something for all of you so that to let you all know that you're special in many ways. I would go through so much just to spend time with all of you. I love you guys and hope you all find someone special in your life so that you can have a new family, but please never forget each other because I'm not sure if I can forget you.

There things in life you forget and remember, those things you remember are the things that kept you happy.

I love you all and I wish you the best of life because today is the day where mine changes. I'm slowly losing my innocence and I have to be stronger, I can't be the small boy I once was since I just can't handle to much as a small child. Now I have to grow up, even if I don't want to I have to.

But that doesn't mean I'll be bad. I'll be good, but sometimes I may be a bit harsh but that's because sometimes life gave me enough scars. Both literally and figuratively, but yeah.

So hope you guys have an amazing day, and as always I'm always a little boy on the inside.
~Love Oli

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