I'm it

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So here we go

2.My favorite color is red and black.

3.My favorite animal is the saltwater crocodile.

4.Zodiac sign? I don't know.

5.Chinese? Don't know either.

6.Height is 5'6.

7.My hair color is black.

8. My eye color is black.

9.I'd go for dogs any day.

10.I'm single like a pringle. A very lonely pringle.😔

11.7 is my favorite number.

12.Warriors by Imagine Dragons.

13.Any song.

14.Don't have one. I'll be forever alone.

15.The power to resist

16.Till I Collapse

17. My special room is filled with Dragon Ball Z episodes and muffins.

18. I'm surprised.

19.SeaSpiritMuffin LushWriter_07 _WeirdBookWorm_3 Puggles_worth1 treylore Hellninja6667 AbysmalRose -Queenx- theweirdmadison

20. I'm It.

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