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What is the meaning of life?

So many people and philosophers have pondered this their whole lives, never figuring this answerless question. It seems impossible to ever know what the purpose of life is.

It's an impossible question with no answer.

But, is it really that difficult? No. The meaning of life it simple. So simple it can be put into three words.




It's so simple. People just don't understand it. But that's the beauty of living. You just do it. You go through each day just to live. You have almost a century to exist here on Earth. So go do something with all of those years.

Right now, it may not seem like anything you do matters, but think of the children being born four hundred years from now. Sure, you won't be remembered, but what you did will never be forgotten. No one knows who created the wheel, but everyone knows what it is.

Just love how you want to. Be religious. Be a fighter. Be a singer. Be a garbage (wo)man. Who cares what everyone else does. You go and and make your life special. A century might seem short compared to all of time, but it's a lot of time. Don't let that go to waste.

It your turn to experience something great. So go and live.

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