Hot tube❤️💝

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Draco was sitting in the hot tube shirtless but wearing trunks alone

Maybe it's me. . .Its me am I not being a good boyfriend...gotta remember it's fake but why does she hate me I thought we were good but apparently not

Then Draco sees Hermione walking towards the hot tub wearing a red coat and what looked to be a sliver smooth nightgown

Hermione: all by yourself out here?

Draco looks at her then looks back down at the hot tub water

Hermione: So What now your ignoring me?

Draco: oh, I'm the one ignoring you? That's funny

Hermione then proceeds to walk over to the other side of the hot tub sit on the top of the hot tub

Hermione: Sorry I'm not a good skier, you didn't even offer to teach me

Draco: oh, and I'm supposed to be sweet to you after you don't sit with me on the bus ride up here

Hermione: shouldn't you be thanking me, that you got to sit next to who you actually wanted?

Draco: For someone who has such good grades, you can be so dense sometimes

Hermione: What?

Draco: Yeah, I wanted to sit next to you Hermione. . .I even got this for you

*Draco turns around to open his backpack and grabs this orange text book that said 50 best motivational poetry. . .Hermione's eyes got big*

Hermione: you. .you got that book

Draco: Yeah Hermione for you. . .you told me that's one thing you really wanted and I wanted to be a good boyfriend and get a gift for you on the trip. .but you refuse to sit next to me

Hermione: But Draco you can only get that book all the way in Orlando muggle world

Draco: I know so if I went all the down to Orlando to get a book that you like then that means

Hermione: You must really like books

*Draco then slaps the water once in a little bit of aggravation of Hermione not getting the point*

Draco: You are impossible

*Hermione then stick her feet into the water and turns to look at him*

Hermione: I'm sorry I didn't sit next to you

Draco: pssh. . . It's alright

*Draco and Hermione look at each other for a good minute*

She is so hot. . .Hermione's chocolate brown eyes with her beautiful hair and her perfect shape. . .She was far better looking than Cho any day. . .I don't give a damn if it's wrong to think cause right now this is what I feel and if I think she's Bloody hot then she's bloody hot

He is so fine. . .His ocean eyes with his blonde hair falling into his face and his body. .When the water hits his abs. . .He just looks like a model.. I don't bloody care anymore he looks fine

Hermione then takes off her jacket and slowly dips into the hot tub her sliver nightgown lifts slightly up and Draco couldn't take his eyes off Hermione

Draco: You're coming in your nightgown

Hermione: I didn't bring a bathing suit

*Hermione says as floats towards Draco until they are face to face she then stands up*

Hermione: Hi

*Draco then smiles at her*

Draco: there's not one like you, Granger

*Draco then grabs her by her legs then swings her around so that he pulls her up by their thighs and her arms are resting on her shoulders and Her legs are wrapped around his hips. . . Hermione and Draco then kiss but his one felt real and both of them enjoyed it then they pulls apart with Hermione staring at Draco*

Draco: What?

*This time Hermione leans in for the kiss and this one was a little more deeper and passionate then the first*

*1 hour later*

*Hermione and Draco are back upstairs from the hot tubs and Hermione has her red coat back on and Draco is wearing a silver cloth robe that wasn't tied up and Hermione was clinched onto Draco's arm. .They both were wearing white hotel slippers as Hermione was gonna walk away Draco protest and pull her in with a twirl to his chest Hermione then gets onto her tippy toes and kisses him and then gets off her tippy toes*

Draco: Good night Hermione

*Draco was looking down at Hermione as Hermione look up into his eyes*

Hermione: Good night

*Hermione then back away still looking at Draco as Draco back away still looking at Hermione then he turns to the side to walk back down to his hotel room and Hermione walked inside her's*

*Hermione then lays into her bed smiling and not regretting a things that happened in that hot tub she was proud*

I'm proud to say I love Draco Lucius Malfoy

I'm proud to say I love Hermione Jean Granger

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