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Okay Hermione today's a new day your gonna be seen as a different girl...Some people might see you as Draco's girl and I definitely know Ron's gonna be on my case about this so be Prepared for that..Hopefully I can at least not worry about Malfoy bullying me cause he's gonna be my fake boyfriend..This will definitely take your mind off of Cormac for a while..but I still gotta talk to the guy he deserves a reason..just..not right now

Hermione, Ginny, Harry, and Ron all walk out of the common room to breakfast

Ron: You think If I Purposefully hop off my broom just to break my leg I will be excused from Snape's class

Harry: doubt it remember when I told him I had quidditch game 3rd year and he told me a lose of limbs will not be excused

Ron: Not if you don't try it

Hermione: Okay Ron...Stop..your not gonna break your leg

Fred: Not at least on purpose

Ron: Where the bloody hell did you two come from

George: Oh well you see when a man and women love each other a lot they-

Ron: oh shut up you know what I ment

*Ginny was giggling until Fred starts to stare at her*

Ginny: Can I help you... you seem to be really fixated on my face Fred

Fred: Oh don't act like we don't know what happened last night

*Harry felt his heart pound faster as he saw Ron's protective face come out*

George: Last night you came home really late

*Fred then snakes his head like a snake so that Ginny can feel his breathe*

Fred: Why

*Ginny jumps a little from Fred then puts her hand up a little*

Ginny: Okay can you back up a little Fred...personal space

Fred: What were you doing last night

Ron: Yeah Gin What were you doing

Ginny: I was um studying..

Fred: Studying?

*Harry closes his eyes as he knew Ginny was gonna be caught but Hermione knew if she helped him this whole awkward note thing would go away*

Hermione: She was um..Studying with me for the mid terms coming up

George: Really

Ginny: uh yeah that's right

Fred: hmm..okay

*Harry takes a huge exhale*

*Professor gives his whole speech then tells them they can now head to there routine..The crowd was crowded with Kids but Harry grabbed Hermione and pulled her to the side*

Harry: Hermione Thank you so much

Hermione: What are friends for Harry..

Harry: Well Gin, Ron, Fred & George, And I have quidditch practice

*Hermione then walks into class by herself then looks to see Draco waiting for her on the  then she sees Cho approach Draco with Romilda and Padma*

Cho: So Draco I see your alone

Padma: Cho you did make the right choice leaving him.. he's an embarrassment

Draco: Will you shut it Patil

To all the boys I've loved before (Harry Potter version)Where stories live. Discover now