Chapter 1 :) The Sweepstakes!

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Jessica Johnson,17- a mocha kinda skin tone with hazel eyes. She have long black hair, she's kinda tall 5'5 to be exact! She got that beyonce type body! She love to get on people nerves but she really dgaf. She like to be around peple and loves everyone. If you push the wrong button she will go ham on you :) Nickname: Jessi!

Roquelle Rodriguez,17- Caramel skin tone with green eyes. she have brownish hair with honey blonde highlights. She have the perfect body shape, curves and errything! She's 5'3, kinda short :) She's funny,nice, and cool, and loving! But if you mess with her or get in her face she will fuxk you up! Other than that she sweet and emotional. Nckname: Quelle!

Dijon Carter,16- Dark/ Medium skin tone with brown eyes. She have black hair with brown kinda highlights. She's very tall, 6'0 to be exact! She's a sweerhaeart, she love to be around peple. She's very freaky behind closed doors ;) If u mess with her she wont really worry bout it :) Nickname: Dae!

Alexandria Williams,16- Light, kinda caramel skin tone with blue eyes . She have long black and brown hair. She's kinda short and tall! She's very fiesty! She likes to be sarcastic and love to be aound messy people! You dont wnat to mess with her, cuz if you do she will probally try to kill you! You gotta watch out when your around her! Nickname: Alex!

Chapter 1:

*Jessica was on her laptop entering a mindless behavior sweepstakes*

Jessi- I hope i win this ishh!

Quelle- Ikr! You going to share right?!

Jessi- OF COURSE!! Im going to share with you, Dae, and Alex!

Quelle- Girl I hope u win! I need a mini vacation from my family!

*Jessi phone rings*

Jessi- Hey Alex, wassup?!

Alex- Nun gurl, u entered that sweepstakes?

Jessi- HYFR!

Alex- I hope we win!

Jessi- we?

Alex- Yeah! Quelle told me.

Jessi- That gurl talk to much!

Alex- ikr! but she cool!  I gtg.

Jessi- Bye.

*end of phone convo*

Jessi- Quelle u talk to much!

Quelle- Ik, i just had to tell her!

Jessi- LOL! Im going check my email!

Quelle- kk!!!!!

Jessi- OMFG!!!!! O__O

Quelle- WHAT??

Jessi- WE WON WE WOONN!!!!!!!

Quelle- OMG!!!...i gotta call Dae and Alex!

Jessi- Hold up! we gotta call the number to redeem our stuff!!

Quelle- What's the number?

Jessi- (310)-437-9264 

Quelle- its ringing!!!!

???- Hi my name is Walter! How may I help you?

Quelle- Hi my name is Roquelle Rodriguez. My friend Jessica Johnson, she entered the Mindless Sweepstake earlier and we're calling to redeem our info!

Walter- Yess we have your info right here! We have you listed for 4 mb tickets, 4 backstage passes, and your seats are front row. You guys have the oppurtinity to tour the tour bus too! The concert is on   September 6 at 7:45 p.m. 

Quelle- ok thankyou!

*hangs up phone*

Jessi- Ima call Alex!

Quelle- Ima call Dae!

*Jessi and Alex convo*

J-Hey gurl

A- Heyyy!

J- guess what?


J-I won, i need u hereat my house on saturday at 5:30 sharp!

A- No problem ill be there!!!!!

*end of phone convo*

*Quelle and Dae convo*

Q- Guurl guess what?!

D- what???!!!!!!!!!!

Q- We going see MB!!!!!

D- Gurl when!!!!

Q-Saturday, be at Jessi house at 5:30 sharp!


*hangs up phone*

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