Through A Childs Eyes

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The cool constant cover of shade, slightly shocking to those who aren't used to it.

The glass sheets of the buses, that glimmer and sparkle to shrink the inky pupil of the eye, when hit with direct glucose infected sunlight rays of warmth.

The breeze that carries the laughter  of young children, with their hazy day dream sunny school holidays that they don't want to waste a single moment of beauty that the sun provides by being inside. Rotting their brains away in front of the iridescent neon glow of a computer or television screen.

Breaking away from the Neanderthal like hunch and heavy deep purple bags, that loom under their eyes. From being stuck in a zombie like state, of shooting their own kind with digitally mastered guns that they would rather hold, but not filled with lead ammunition.

With the soft, shockingly smooth water that bursts out the end of it. Only too cool their minds from the hot imaginative dreamy state their minds lock into, the citrus infused bubbles that trickle down their wind pipe.

Hydrating then for another few hours of blissful play, that they share with their most treasured friends and toys.

The only things that matters are the cyan filled guns that they hold loosely in their hands. The warm breath of the summer sun kissing their cheeks, as the bed of grass blades beneath them that not only supports their backs but the stem cells of their imagination.

Random ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora