Chapter 1

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The sun's rays blanket the Pridelands in immensely bright light. The dry season is at its peak, and many animals are still suffering from its effects. Many of the herd leaders are doing their best to keep their friends and family under control, but are very doubtful that they will even listen to them. The severe heat and lack of food and water makes everyone feel tired, which results in animals becoming agitated and not exactly making the best decisions. All of this eventually leads to a lot of conflict among the animals, and having intruders enter from the Outlands does not help the situation at all. It has been difficult work for the King and the Guard to keep everything in order. The last thing that they want is for the Pridelands to erupt into chaos during the dry season. Of course, the animals on the savanna are not the only ones who are suffering in the Pridelands from the effects of the dry season.

Far away from everyone else, Makuu and his float sleep in their watering hole, absolutely exhausted from their week of non-stop fighting. Ever since that first attack on their watering hole, Kiburi's float has been attacking Makuu's float more frequently. Makuu has had to fend-off Kiburi at least once every couple of weeks, which eventually turned to once a week, and now has finally turned to once everyday.

{I just hope that once a day doesn't turn into multiple times a day.}

As worried thoughts continue to haunt him, Makuu realizes that he's not going to be able to get any sleep and decides to wake up. He opens his eyes then jaws in a yawn, swims to the edge of the watering hole, climbs out, and stretches his body to loosen-up his muscles. Makuu scans the area to see if anyone is around. Much to his relief, no one is. Satisfied with the emptiness of the clearing, Makuu turns around to look at his float, who were deep in a sound, peaceful sleep.

{I just wish that I could keep them all safe from Kiburi's constant attacks.}

It has been a hassle for Makuu to try to keep his float together while constantly being bombarded by his rival's float. He barely has any time to do what he wants to do or just relax because he is too busy having to deal with issues that regard doing what is best for his float. Granted, the lion guard has helped to chase off Kiburi's float on a few occasions, and Hodari, the gecko who is now an honorary crocodile, often keeps the other members of the float entertained. However, not even these acts of kindness could possibly make the crocodiles feel better. Nowadays, Makuu's float just sees the lion guard as a nuisance, and even Hodari's upbeat and positive personality have started getting on their nerves.

Between the heat and his thoughts, Makuu gains a serious headache, which only becomes worse when he shakes his head in irritation. Makuu growls under his breath and turns around to look at the groupings of acacia trees nearby. Soon, he comes-up with the idea that maybe taking a walk would be a good way to get him to calm down and clear his head. Makuu liked that idea. Just walking around the Pridelands alone for a few hours, and if he got tired or hot, he would rest under the shade of a tree. Makuu looks back at his sleeping float, thinking that maybe he should probably stay, just in case.

{They should be fine. They are crocodiles, after all. They can take care-of themselves. Besides, it's not like I'm gonna be gone the entire day.}

Having made-up his mind, Makuu turns around with a grin on his face and heads-off on his walk. That is, until he is distracted. Makuu doesn't even reach the first tree before he hears a voice call out to him.

"Hey! Makuu! Where are you going?"

"Oh great," Makuu grumbles under his breath, recognizing the voice as Hodari's.

Makuu turns his head and spots Hodari's tiny blue and orange body bounding towards him, his eyes alight with curiosity. Makuu could feel a low rumble forming his throat, which he has to force himself to hold back. It's not that Makuu doesn't like Hodari, it's just that the crocodiles have begun to find the gecko quite annoying.

As soon as Hodari reaches Makuu, the crocodile barely has any time to open his mouth and ask the gecko what he's doing before the smaller reptile begins to spew.

"Hi, Makuu! Sorry to bother you, but I was just hanging out in one of the trees, keeping an eye out for any danger while you guys slept. You know, just in case Kiburi comes back and you guys need an early heads-up. Anyway, I saw you walking away from the watering hole and I was wondering what you were doing. So, where are you going? Is it important? Can I come, too?"

As Hodari continues to blabber on, Makuu, no matter how hard he tries to stay calm, quickly looses his temper and snaps.

"Hodari! Stop talking! I am very tired and hot and agitated at the moment, meaning that all I want right now is some peace and quiet away from annoying animals like you who don't know how to stay out of somebody else's business! So I would very much appreciate it if you would just shut-up and leave me alone!"

During Makuu's outburst, Hodari had backed away from him, a shocked look evident in his facial expression. Makuu shook his head and sighed, knowing all too well that Hodari is easily excitable, but is also very emotional, and so it is easy to hurt his feelings. The crocodile feels guilty about yelling at the gecko, since he was just being curious, and decides to apologize.

"Sorry, Hodari. It's just...I've been very stressed lately, what with all that's been going on and such. I'm not entirely sure how long I can keep this up. I need a break, but it's not like there's any other animal around that I would trust to help protect the float during the dry season. I just hope that you understand, or at least try to understand, that what we've had to deal with recently isn't exactly easy on me or the float."

After his apology, Makuu feels something land on him. He looks up and sees Hodari hanging on to the end of his snout, smiling.

"It's okay, Makuu. Besides, it was kind of my fault. Bad judgement on my part for pestering you when you clearly don't want to be bothered, especially at a time like this. Sorry."

Makuu could sense that Hodari was nervous, but he knows how brave the gecko is. After few moments moments of silence, Makuu clears his throat and decides to change the subject of conversation.

"Well, lessons learned, for now. Anyway, back to what I was saying before, I just want some time alone. Meaning I don't want anyone tagging along or following me. I doubt I'll be gone long, but I still need someone to keep an eye on the float, just in case. Since you've already decided to keep watch while we sleep, I don't suppose you'll mind keeping an eye on them while I'm out?"

The final statement immediately brightens Hodari's spirits.

"Me? Really? Well, of course really. You don't really have anyone else who can keep an eye on them. Don't worry, Makuu, I won't let you down! Enjoy your walk!"

And with that, Hodari jumps off of Makuu and bounds back over to his look-out post, while Makuu himself finally departs.

{I know you won't.}

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