So you want a vampire story

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Authors Note:

A while ago I read a book from a very well known and respected author. There has always been one line that he wrote that stuck in my brain more than any other. "Write what you know" he said. I don't think a week has gone by since I read that line that I haven't thought about it. At first you take "write what you know" at face value. If you know a lot about plumbing then it would be safe to say that you could write about plumbing pretty accurately. My problem with it was that I felt it had a deeper, and in my case, a darker meaning.

I have never really censored myself with my writing. I try to put on paper what is in my head, sometimes it works out, other times not so much. I still feel like I have held certain things back though. Because what I haven't done is figure out exactly how to write what I know. Cause when you get right down to it what "you know" is sometimes disturbing. We are molded from our experiences. They shape us, form us into the people we are. In my case my experiences, in a lot of ways, have left me a very haunted human being. They have also gave me quite an imagination.

So what I am trying to do with this authors note is briefly explain what I understand about "write what you know." Anyone of you that have read my stories probably realize there is a dark side of me. For those of you who don't know me don't worry. There is plenty of light in me to. Although my struggles have been bad in the past, they haven't been bad lately. It doesn't change the fact that I remember, very vividly, my past struggles. So without boring you further let me get to it.

I know fear. Not fear of heights, or claustrophobia, (although I am not discounting either one of those.) I know fear that grips you around the heart, and drops you in a corner to think about it. Fear so dark that standing up becomes an issue, and dying becomes a better choice that facing it. I don't have to tell you what my fear was about. If you read Borderline, Mr. Grim you may get an idea.

Point is I know fear. It has shaped a lot about who I am. Not all of me, but a lot. So since I know fear I want to write about it. I want to get what I know on paper. So I am going to give it a shot with this story, and every story I write from now on. Your job is to tell me if I've succeeded. The more feedback I get the better I am going to be able to put it in my stories, and the better you will be able to come on these journey's with me.

So on to the story, and good luck to both of us. Good luck to you on getting in my mind, pulling up a chair, and staying comfortable there. Good luck to me on getting my mind ready for a visitor, and being able to be a good host. Good luck.


So you want a vampire story.

We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.

Oscar Wilde

I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me.

Dr. Seuss

I died in 96. Then the stupid doctors brought me back.

An old boss of mine.


"TWENTY THREE" Eric yelled, as another pebble landed in the beer bottle he had set up as a make shift basket. He didn't care that he was loud. He also didn't care that he had been at this game for at least six hours. He was drunk, and had been since before he walked up to the back of his uncles shop, two fifths of scotch in toe.

It was raining, and although Eric had plenty of places he liked to go drink, this was the only one with an awning that kept the rain off of him. The building stood at the base of an old gravel pit right outside the small town of Hope Hills, Oklahoma. It was commonly called devils hill by the locals but nobody really remembered why.

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