"Baby?" They both asked surprised.

"Yes, let me explain to you really quick. The impact of the accident you had made you bleed. Hemorrhaging would be the correct word, but thanks to the paramedic who took care of you, you didn't actually have a miscarriage"

"Oh" Stella said, yet not processing what Natalie just told her.

After that Natalie both left Stella and Kelly alone. None of them knew how to react to this news.

Were they ready for a kid?

Stella sure never saw herself having a kid anytime soon, she never thought her relationship with Severide would go that far. But yet here she was, it had been a year. And now she was pregnant.

"So we're having a baby" Severide said yet still in his thoughts, but Stella could peep his face changing. He was thinking but a smile was slowly taking his whole face.

"Why are you smiling?" She said laughing.

He took her hand and said "I love you" he gave her a kiss on hand. He then put his free on her belly, and lovingly caressed it.

She was scared, but seeing Kelly's reaction put her at peace. She smiled and just enjoyed this moment.
After three days Stella was able to go back home, Kelly went to get her at the hospital. He was still on shift but the Chief was always so understandable with personal issues.

So he got her from the hospital, and took her straight home.

"Here you go, now we still have to talk about some things when I come back!" He informed her.

"I know, but for now go! I'm a grown woman i'll be fine" she said to him almost pushing him out of the door.

"You call me if you need it anything!" He said persistent.

"Yes! Bye bye now" she gave him a kiss and he then left.

Right when he was leaving he heard a call on the radio. So he went straight to the scene.

Stella decided to take a nap, she had time to herself. She went to take a shower, and took a look at the mirror.

What would her belly look like in a few months? She was wondering, she was still not believing that a little person was growing inside of her.

And this is when sad thoughts invaded her. She used to do drugs, and not just a little. She thought about how most of the time she was passed out, not even knowing what was going on around her. And she got worried, could the fact that she did drugs affect her baby?

She needed to know, but she needed to rest first.
Severide came back the next morning, happy to finally be home. It was long shift.

Stella was sitting on the couch eating. She wasn't watching anything on the tv, so he sat.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked while taking her legs on him to rub them.

"I think!" She still wasn't paying that much attention to him.

"Look I was doing some thinking and well first we have to talk to the Chief. You're not going to work while pregnant!"

"But I'm sure we can arrange something Kelly! I love what I do, I can't just stop like that." She told him.

"I know but our baby's safety is first! I don't want anything happening to neither one if you" he explained.

Talking about the baby's safety got Stella back in her thoughts, as much as she wanted to argue. Her drug problem was heavy on her mind.

"Well speaking of the baby's safety, are you sure you want to have this baby?" She asked a little sacred of how Severide could react.

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