On the Metro (part 2)

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He shook his head and looked down.

You nodded. "Yeah, I can understand that. I'm also in the acting biz, and it gets a little overwhelming sometimes."

He raised his eyebrows. "So, you're not like a stalker fan or something?"

You laughed loudly at his remark. "Hell no! Why would I be?"

This made him loosen up a little and he smiled back at you. "I dunno. I just find that almost all of my fans can be..." He paused, trying to find the right word.

"Intense?" You finished.

He threw his hands up and excitedly agreed. "Exactly!" He smiled at you happily, knowing you understood him.

"Well, now that you know I'm not some superfan waiting to follow you home..." He laughed at your comment and you continued. "I'd like to point out that we've been talking for twenty minutes, and I still don't know your name."

"Oh," he realized as he sat up and offered you his hand to shake. " I guess I never properly introduced myself. I'm Fionn," you both smiled at each other and you shook his hand.


He smiled and repeated, "(y/n)." Then he scooted over towards the window seat and started humming a song. You slightly shrugged, thinking the conversation was over. You went to turn back towards the front, but then you heard him stop humming and say, "(Y/N), would you like to come sit next to me?"

Fionn couldn't see you start to blush as you replied without looking back, "Uh- yeah, sure." You grabbed your things and moved back a row to sit next to him. He looked over at you and smiled as you took a seat.

"I have really enjoyed talking to you," he admitted. The seats were so close together that you could smell his natural scent. He didn't smell of cheap cologne like most guys you had met. Instead, you caught the scent of fresh linen and coffee. Less enjoyable was the fact that the seats put your faces almost inches apart, making it awkward to look him straight in the face.

"I- um liked talking to you too," you replied, looking down at your feet as you moved your legs back and forth nervously.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him staring at you. Why did he keep doing that? Growing the courage, you finally did look him straight in the face. You stayed like that for a second, although it felt like a lot longer. You started to feel heat rising to your cheeks.

Fionn smiled and opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by the speakers as the train lurched forward and slowed to a stop.

The driver's voice filled the room. "Alright folks. We have arrived at our destination. Sorry for the delay and have a good rest of your evening."

You looked back down. I guess this is over, you thought to yourself with disappointment.

"Well, this is me," you said as you started to grab your things. You stood up and looked at him again, giving him a small smile. "It was nice to meet you Fionn." He smiled back at you as you slung your bag over your shoulder and turned away.

You started walking towards the doors, and strangely felt the urge to cry. You had just met the greatest guy, and most likely would never see him again. I guess love just hates me, you thought to yourself.

As you neared the doors, you suddenly felt a hand gently grab your arm. You spun around to see Fionn with a look of desperation on his face.

He realized how he must have looked, and his expression turned back to normal. "I just needed to tell you..." he stopped and cleared his throat, then inhaled deeply. "I think we both know it would be a mistake if we never saw each other again. I need- er- I want to see you again."

You stood there, surprised at what was happening. Was this real? Cause it felt like something out of a rom-com to you. He stood there, waiting for your response.

"Well?" You turned around to see an old man sitting not too far away. It seemed like he had been watching the whole ordeal. "Don't leave the boy waiting."

You turned back around and you and Fionn both started to laugh. He straightened up and asked, "So?"

You finally smiled and pulled out your phone to give it to him. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he eagerly took your phone and put his number in it. Everything seemed like it was almost moving in slow motion. Nothing like this had ever happened to you. He stepped closer and gave it back to you.

You looked down and went to take the phone. "Thank y-" you were interrupted by him planting a soft kiss on your cheek. He pulled back and you could see that he was blushing. You smiled widely and giggled.

Before you could say anything, he pointed at the exit. "I guess you should go before the doors close." You looked back and saw indeed that almost everyone had cleared out.

Turning back to Fionn, you kept eye contact for just a while longer, then started to back up towards the door. "See you around, Fionn."

"Goodbye, (y/n)."

You stepped out of the train as the doors closed behind you. Then the train hissed and started moving away. Deciding to look back, you saw Fionn back in his seat, smiling to himself. You smirked and took out your phone to check the time. You realized you were going to be a little late for the dinner. To you though, right then it didn't really seem to matter. As your screen turned on, you saw a text from your friend.

Don't worry, babe. I'm sure you'll find someone soon :)

You smiled to yourself, turned off your phone, and started walking up the subway stairs, finally hopeful for the future.

A/N: btw I'm not bagging on Fionn's fans with this, it just seems like he isnt very comfortable with the spotlight. :) Before anyone comes after me haha

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