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A MONTH LATER, MARNIE WAS DOING WELL FOR HERSELF. Now allowed to leave the Tower, she left almost every day, which helped the process move along much faster; she had already gone through major changes and growths while just around the Avengers, but now that she was allowed to interact with more people, she was able to pick up things faster, especially thanks to her abilities which she no longer tried to suppress, since the fear of being found was no longer an issue.

Of course, there were still reparations to be made, but Tony explained to her that going around to each and every family that she had hurt wouldn't be the best idea, and instead worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. to send out agents to do that, explaining the situation in full and making sure that all was, at least, understood. She wasn't sure how that would help things, the people not being able to see her and say all that they needed, do all that they needed, but she understood the importance of safety; but she still had to understand the importance of self-forgiveness.

Still, she was doing quite well for herself. She was still on her college courses, but she was almost done with her general education, which left her wondering what she was supposed to do next, if she had to get multiple PhD's like Bruce, but Tony assured her that they would cross that bridge once they got there, and she didn't have to rush through anything anymore.

She didn't have to do anything anymore. No one was forcing her to do anything, there was no rush to stay alive, she could lie in bed all day if she wanted, and the only thing that would be insisted upon her was that she eat and drink water, which was never a problem for her, because she loved trying new food.

Things were good.

"Hey, Cheese," Clint greeted, walking into the kitchen, and Marnie grinned up at him, in the middle of making herself a grilled cheese with sourdough bread, something that she had quickly grown to love, "How's it going?"

"Good," she greeted, moving to hug him, which was a new habit she was trying to form.

Clint and Natasha had moved back out of the Tower, Arabella still staying in her own room, though frequenting it less and less, as all three of them had more responsibilities than most over at S.H.I.E.L.D., whereas Steve and Bruce continued to stay, though there was talk about Steve moving out as well so he could be stationed in D.C., but that was something they didn't talk about, especially not when Tony was around. So it was always a treat whenever the two assassins swung in for a visit.

Natasha appeared a few moments later, giving her a small smile as she moved to stand besides Clint. Marnie didn't know what to say, so she just continued to make her sandwich, then figuring she should probably make some for the others, taking everything towards the stove so she could start preparing while she started to cook.

"Don't worry about us, we already ate," Natasha said, though Clint stopped her, reaching out to make himself his own sandwich, letting Marnie focus on making her own, "Clint, don't touch the stove."

"I'll cook it for him," Marnie offered, knowing fully well that Clint tended to have issues when it came to cooking, the man making a face at her, and she only laughed, checking to make sure she didn't burn one side.

There wasn't much to talk about, though Clint and Natasha did ask her what she was up to, to which she immediately launched into an explanation of everything that she was learning, as well as mentioning a little secret that she made them swear not to tell anyone; she had wanted to tell Bruce first, but she did want their opinions on whether or not she should consider it.

"That sounds like a great idea," Clint said, and she smiled, preening under the validation, starting to eat her grilled cheese, Clint already starting even though it was too hot.

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