On the Metro (Part 1)

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It was Wednesday afternoon. You were riding the Metro home from a nice day at work at the cafe. Looking down at your phone, you saw a text from your friend.

Hey, you're coming tonight right?

You furrowed your eyebrows and thought about what she could mean. Then you remembered that it was her five-year anniversary dinner with her husband. They invited you nonchalantly, knowing you didn't have a plus one to bring (which most people at the party would have). Your friend had married young, and although you were only 25, you couldn't help but be a little jealous of what she had.

"Just be open and friendly," she had said to encourage you. You were open to dating, but it seemed like the guys around you had no interest.

Many a time you had heard the dreaded "I like you as a friend" pity speech, and it hurt like a bitch. But you still tried to be hopeful for the future and that you would find The One. Yeah, right.

You sighed and replied, Yup.

Your phone immediately dinged. Hey, I can feel your pouty face from here. Cheer up, (y/n). There's a lot of other people coming without a date. :)

You half-smiled and put your phone back in your pocket. As you tried to get comfy in your seat, all of a sudden the train lurched and rattled noisily. It startled you and you bumped your head on the low bar above you.

"Ow, fuck!" You exclaimed as you sat back down and rubbed your head. Consequently, you heard a stifled chuckle from behind you. You turned around to see a slightly familiar face looking at you with a smile. He continued to laugh as you tried to think of where you'd seen him before.

"I'm sorry for laughing, but are you okay?" He said with a smile. Hearing his British accent started to remind you of where he was from. Maybe a TV show? No...

"Huh? Oh-yeah, you saw that?" You chuckled from embarrassment and could feel your cheeks getting warm.

The speakers rang out above you and you heard the conductor say, "Alright everybody. Everything is fine, we are just going to have to take a different route today due to unexpected work on the track ahead. It should be about a twenty-five minute delay."

"Aw, bullocks," he muttered, pulling out his phone and worriedly checking it.

You lightly laughed at the cute British slang he just used.

He looked up and you noticed that his eyes weren't just brown, but a light hazel. He narrowed them and smirked at you. "What?"

You chuckled again and copied him with a mock British accent, "Bullocks."

He laughed and showed his crooked teeth. "So you're American, then."

You nodded. "Yeah, I came to live here about five years ago."

His eyes widened and he replied, "Wow, that's a big change."

"Yeah, my best friend moved here to get married, and I decided to come too." You smiled and added, "You know, to see what all the hubbub was about."

He laughed and copied you back. "Hubbub."

You smiled and laughed with him. You both talked for a little while longer, and you found that talking to him was so easy. Weirdly, he made you both nervous, and somewhat comfortable.

The train had finally taken a right turn towards home as you both were in a heated discussion.

"Okay, no. There is no way that Star Trek is better than Star Wars," you said as you playfully argued together.

"Okay, okay," he smiled as he put his hands up in surrender. "Agree to disagree."

You smiled back and looked down, but you could still feel his eyes on you. You looked back up and smiled confusedly. "What?" You asked with a chuckle.

He finally looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't mean to sound forward, but I reckon this is the best conversation I've had in a while." His voice cracked as he spoke and he laughed nervously, but you just smiled back at him.

"Me too."

He looked up in surprise. "Really?"

You chuckled at his remark. "Yes, haha. But why do you say that?"

He sighed and continued. "It's just life is always stressful, especially in my line of work. I don't usually have the time to actually sit down and talk like this." You raised your eyebrows in surprise and he continued. "I'm actually late now for an interview because of the detour."

That's when you remembered who he was.

"Oh my God! You're that guy from Bandersnatch!" You exclaimed with a smile.

"Hey, hey. Keep it down." He sunk down in his seat and looked around to see if anyone noticed what you said.

"Sorry." You chuckled. "I really admire your acting style," you added.

He immediately started to look uncomfortable and shifted back in his seat. "Uh-thanks."

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "What is it?"

Five years ago, you would have been totally fangirling right now, but when you came to Richmond and started your acting career, you started to see actors in a different light. You realized they were just people like you, and you actually started not to get why people idolized them.

He looked up at you and said, "Sorry, I'm just uncomfortable with the spotlight."

(Continue to next chapter)

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