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"You can really move." Looking up, I realise that she's sat staring at me as I'm dancing. I walk over to the stool and grab her hand.
"Come on, show me what moves you've got." Reluctantly she puts her drink down and allows me to pull her onto the dance floor. A different songs comes on and she starts moving to the rhythm, hips swaying, legs and arms moving together. Mesmerising. Completely oblivious to me staring she carries on moving, seemingly lost in the music. When the song finishes she looks at me, concern spreading on her face.
"Y-y-you looked incredible."
She looks at the floor and gives a small smile,
"Well, it's my job..."
I take a step back, admiring her, lingering for perhaps a few seconds too long on her lips. What would it be like to- no. I can't think like that. I just scared a drunk guy off for wanting to do exactly what I'm thinking. Well, not exactly. Finally I speak again,
"That explains a lot."
Panic flashes across her face as she subconsciously tugs at the hem of her dress.
"I-I'll be going now." What? Why? Why would she leave? As she walks past me I grab her wrist.
"Because I'm a dancer. Does that not bother you?"
"No, why would it? Should it?" I'm not even just acting stupid, I'm properly confused.
"So you don't think I'm a slag or slutty?"
Of all the things I expected to come out of her mouth, these words were not among them.
"No!! Why would I think that?"
"The clothes I wear, the way I move, I don't know. Everything?!"
For some reason I begin laughing. Not even chuckling, properly belly-laughing. She snaps me out of it.
"What's funny?"
"You. You tell me that, yet..." I gesture round at the other girls in the club then back to her, "You're by far the most sensibly dressed." She smiles a little at this, as if I've genuinely cheered her up.
"I guess." She bites her lip and slides onto the stool next to me before another song comes on.
"Still leaving?" I ask her. She thinks for a minute, then jumps off the stool.
"No, dance with me."

So we dance. For hours and hours, until the early morning. At some point in the night my hands find their way to her hips and lower back while we're dancing, pressing our bodies together slightly, both moving in time to the music. I don't know how long we're on the dance floor for, but we're both loving every second of it, until Di looks at her phone.
"Shit, have you seen the time?" Looking down at my own phone I realise as well. 1:59.
"Well I hadn't." I reply,
"I'm gonna have to go." She's doing that thing where she's smiling at the floor again.
"Let me take you home?"
"Well, not quite home, but back, sure." As soon as we step outside her hair whips around her and the cold stings both of our faces. Hailing a taxi I turn to look at her,
"Where are you staying?"
"In Lacock." My heart lurches, why was she staying there? Everyone's related to everyone there; I hope to god she's not related to me at all, although I'm not really sure why. Searching through my fuzzy brain I still can't find the answer. I suppose I'll remember tomorrow. Or not, probably.
"It'll take ages to get back there- why don't you just come back to my hotel room?" Wow Joe. Classy. Especially after the whole 'you're not a slut' conversation.
"Thanks, but, erm." Her face turns red under the soft glow of the streetlight above us.
"Nothing like obviously!! Get your mind out of the gutter..." Whilst saying this I wink at her, "... I have a three date rule anyway. I just thought it'd be easier."
After a moments hesitation she nods her head slowly, her eyes glinting as she looks at me again.
"A three date rule huh? I'll keep that in mind."
Rolling my eyes I take her hand, almost certain that she's going to have a worse headache than me in the morning.
"This way then..." I trail off, realising that I don't actually know her name yet.
"So..." I continue, "... this makes me a really shitty guy, but I've just realised I don't actually know your name." Giggling slightly she turns to me,
"It doesn't make you a shitty guy, I don't know yours either. Oh, I'm Dianne." She adds, almost as an afterthought.
"Well Di, I'm Joe."
"Pleased to meet you." Giggling still she grabs my hand in an over-exaggerated handshake.
"You, you need sleep. It's just hit you all at once!!" I sigh, already feeling her pain for the morning. Di just looks at me and rolls her eyes, tutting.
"I'll be fine Joseph!!"

Right Place Right TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ