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Priest: "Do you, Oscar Thomas, take Dianne Buswell to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
Oscar: "I do."
All eyes are on me.
Priest: "Do you, Dianne Buswell, take Oscar Thomas to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
... Shit.
The ground suddenly becomes interesting. All I really want to do is scream no in his face. Because in truth, I don't. I don't take him to be my husband. A man like this should never be allowed to be a husband. Ever. Taking a deep breath and looking straight into Oscar's eyes, I say what I'm sure is going to be the last word to ever come out of my mouth.

Gasps fill the room, and Oscar's face is a picture, but the pain I'm expecting never comes. Run. That's all I can think of. So I do. I take off down the aisle like in some sort of cheesy movie where the perfect guy is at the other end of the aisle. Except he isn't there, because there isn't a perfect guy.
"What do you mean no?!" The voice behind me roars, before everything falls silent. Standing my ground I spin around; he's still stood at the alter, shocked. I take two steps forwards, the sound of my heels clicking on the hard wooden floor echoes around.
"I mean no. I've had enough. You're always forcing me to do things I don't want to do, convincing me it's best for us." I'm getting braver now, both my temper and voice rising. "Tell me, Oscar, when you did what you did, was it best for us. Best for me?..." He opens his mouth as if he's going to interrupt me, but I carry on. "...For you, maybe, but for me? A relationship is for two people, Oscar. It's a team. There is no 'I' in team. I'm fed up of doing things for you. Making you happy. I need to do what I want. Did you ever think about me? Ever want what's best for me?..." Now he's standing there with his mouth open in pure shock horror. "...That's what I thought. Constantly you're trying to convince me that you're right. I've had enough!! Enough of you're stupid ideas for us, enough of you and your lies, enough of this!..." At this I wave my arms around, gesturing to the people around me, the room, him. "...Everything, Oscar. I'm done."

Purposefully I remove the engagement ring from my finger and drop it on the floor, making sure to not break eye contact with him for a second. Then I turn on my heel and flee to my room four floors up, only stopping running when I'm inside with my back pressed against the door.

I did it. I finally did it. Oh god, I did it. Shit. What have I done? The right thing. I've done the right thing. That's what I try and convince myself. Deep down, I know it was the right thing. I've been trying to get out of this for the past 5 years, even more so since last year. Now I finally have.

Wriggling free of my god-awful dress (another one of Oscar's choices) I place it on the bed, before dressing in some leggings and a hoodie and pulling some trainers on. My case is already packed- me and Oscar were meant to be staying in the same room tonight. That went well. Quick as I came in I'm out again, suitcase in tow, dress, heels and random hair accessories scattered across the bed. I've kind of tidied up, it's not the cleaner's fault I've had a shit day.

Suddenly I wonder if people will hear of this. Probably. 'Strictly star runs out on wedding day.' or 'No first dance for professional dancer.' Pah. Let them talk. Let them make rumours, it'll probably cover whatever I'm doing anyway. Walking past reception I drop my key card in, then scurry to my car, dumping my case in the boot. Once I'm in the car and driving I realise I have nowhere to go. Literally. I've only just moved to England full time really, most of my bags are still in my car, if not all of them. Instead of deciding on a location I just drive, music blaring out of the speakers, singing along to all of my favourites. Feeling something I haven't felt in a long time. There's no heaviness in my chest, no worries in my mind, and no nausea in my stomach. I feel free.

Just as I'm driving by a sign catches my eye. Wiltshire, that's a cool name. Two minutes later another sign catches my eye. Lacock. I need to stop deciding to go to places because I think they have a cool name. But sure, why not check it out, I'm sure there's a little B&B I can crash in or something. Anything's better than what I just came from.

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